Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes about Blood


Believe it or not, I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while (what with all the vampire books and urban fantasy I read, I come across a lot of quotes about blood), but it’s kind of an odd topic, so October just seemed like the perfect time for it!

Technically they’re not all about blood, but they do involve blood in some way or another. Some I chose because they’re funny, others because they’re beautifully written, others because they’re sexy or swoon-worthy, but don’t worry, none of them are gruesome or graphic.

So enjoy these bloody quotes my fellow twisted, vampire- and violence-loving quote fiends!

Midnight Conquest by Arial Burnz | reading, books
Chase the Dark by Annette Marie | reading, books
Beckoning Blood by Daniel de Lorne | reading, books
Betrayal's Shadow by KH LeMoyne | reading, books
Crisped + Sere by TJ Klune | reading, books

1. Midnight Conquest by Arial Burnz

The sounds and smells of fear played like a symphony to Broderick’s senses. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the melody. The man’s heart pounded a fear-filled cadence; his blood chorused through his body, heating his skin. Breathing deep the warmth caressing Broderick’s face and nostrils, he welcomed the Hunger that rose inside him, and a familiar sting tickled over his gums as his incisors extended. His body trembled with the desire for blood.

2. Chase the Dark by Annette Marie

Lyre sighed. “Yeah, and once the rumors about us being there get out, all our Stone-stealing pals will head straight for the Consulate. Not my thing. I like small, intimate get-togethers, not huge, bloodbath parties.”

Ash shrugged like either worked for him.

3. Beckoning Blood by Daniel de Lorne

I adore this quote for the way it embodies the gorgeous style of writing in this book, but I feel like it needs context. Olivier is the MC’s sadistic, psychotic twin. They’re both vampires, and they share an empathic psychic connection (they can feel the others’ emotions), but it’s dulled when they’re full on blood. Reiner is the MC’s love interest.

Olivier throbbed in his veins. Not feeding put Reiner at risk. His own hunger mixed with Olivier’s madness meant Reiner’s throat would be too alluring for the wrong reasons. A descent into the wilderness would help dispel some of it; the blood would drown the rest.

4. Betrayal’s Shadow by KH LeMoyne

“You sucked my blood for an analysis ? Like some sort of—”

“I sucked your finger to cover your scent from the hybrid. It also allowed me to assess you. And”— he tugged her hand back into the light of the door—“ it seems to have helped close your wound.”

Her bloodless finger remained between the fingers of his much larger hand. “Thank you, but that’s so gross. I’d think tasting blood would be a hazardous way to test for enemies. Infections and everything,” she whispered.

5. Crisped + Sere by TJ Klune

Context again, Lucas is mute; he physically can’t speak. So that last line is completely serious, not a witty, sarcastic comeback. And the Dead Rabbits are what his group of people call themselves.

“Who’s Lucas?”

“The Dead Rabbit.”

Her eyes widened. “He can talk?”

“No. He wrote it in blood on the walls.”

Steal the Day by Lexi Blake | reading, books
House of Pawns by Keary Taylor | reading, books
Bleeding Heart by Melissa Graves | reading, books
Nocturnal by Chelsea M. Cameron | reading, books
Steal the Sun by Lexi Blake | reading, books

6. Steal the Day by Lexi Blake

“I can hear your heartbeat, baby,” Daniel said, his voice a deep, rich seduction. His free hand stroked my throat, tracing the veins he found there. “I can hear the blood rushing through every vein. It’s like music, and when I listen close enough, my whole body responds until we’re in harmony. I never feel my heartbeat unless I’m with you.”

7. House of Pawns by Keary Taylor

I just love it when vampires sip from blood bags like they’re juice pouches.

Standing off, part way down the grounds, casually sipping on a bag of what is surely my blood, is Markov. He watches our fight with light amusement.

8. Bleeding Heart by Melissa Graves

But that’s the simple part—it’s the promise of being bitten that excites him. It’s thinking about the pain and the way it reverberates, about what it does to him when it rips through him and then peters out into hazy warmth, about the smell of blood and the way it feels, sticky-thick-warm against his mouth when Kyle kisses him afterwards. It’s overwhelming.

9. Nocturnal by Chelsea M. Cameron

I’d slaughtered entire towns in one night and seen the streets run with blood that I cupped my hands in and drank like water.

10. Steal the Sun by Lexi Blake

This is one of my favorite quotes from the entire series because 1) Lexi Blake has this amazing way of making things sound beautiful that you didn’t know could be beautiful, and 2) it shows the relationship between these two characters so perfectly. Not just the wink at the end, but the way the MC can watch him slaughter all these people and not see him as a monster but rather just see him as the amazing man she loves <3

I watched intently because Daniel was a vision of violent power and grace when he worked. The crowd fell like dominoes as he twisted and whirled that sword in an arc that left not one of the men untouched. Blood began to splatter in a neat circle, saturating the ground around him. Half the men had already fallen.

Daniel stopped, his head down, sword held low, and he looked over at me and winked.


Talk to me!

Which of these quotes about blood is your favorite?
Do you have any other favorite book quotes about blood?


Your Thoughts


30 thoughts on “Bookish Musings: 10 Book Quotes about Blood

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  1. Greg

    I like Chase the Dark, just the way Ash shrugs like “whatever”. And House of Pawns- cause a juice pouch blood bag just has an amazing visual. 🙂 And Bleeding Heart I like because it gets into what it feels like to be bitten- which I guess gets more into what it FEELS like to be a vampire. Kinda cool.

    Cover wise (cause I have to address covers) I like the same ones actually, although Nocturnal is nice (gives a darkish vibe) and Steal the Sun might be my fave.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I love that one from Chase the Dark, cracks me up every time, haha. And you gotta love those blood bag juice pouches 😛 The author of Bleeding Heart writes the BEST descriptions of vampire biting that I’ve ever read, but it’s M/M, so I know it wouldn’t be your kinda book.

      Lol we *are* cover people, can’t blame you. I agree, Steal the Sun is my favorite from this group, and Chase the Dark and Nocturnal are nice too. Apparently Crisped + Sere freaks a lot of people out, but I’ve always felt rather meh about that one, but he appears to have blood on his hands so I suppose it’s fitting?

      1. Greg

        Oh I kinda skipped over Crisped & Sere, but now I see why- it’s kinda freaky like what’s on his head? I can see where not everyone would like it. And yeah blood on the hands– I might have missed that! And is he on a beach? that feels like a beach to me on a misty morning. what’s going on in THAT book???

        1. Kristen Burns

          Hahaha it does look like that might be a beach on the cover, but there are no beaches in the book. Mostly wastelands and snow, actually, so I’m not sure what’s going on with the cover. Also not sure what’s on his head lol, though it kinda looks like ears and could maybe be a reference his group of people the “Dead Rabbits.” Who knows lol.

  2. roro

    This a great idea Kristen. To read similar quotes and reading how authors word things differently. Also a striking quote might get you to read a book. Crisped + Sere by TJ Klune and Beckoning Blood by Daniel de Lorne sound interesting

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! I love quotes, and you’re right that they can definitely make people interested in books. Crisped + Sere and Beckoning Blood are two of my favorite books/series! If you like darker, blood-drenched type of books, I absolutely recommend those.

  3. Rowena

    I don’t read a lot of paranormal or urban fantasy (I’m working on that) but after reading all of your quotes, my favorite is the very last one. I need to meet this Daniel fellow. I think I may want him for myself. Ha!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Read it! Read it! It’s my favorite series, so I definitely recommend it, especially if you like romance and sexy times (because it has lots of that)!

  4. Ashley G.

    The one from Beckoning Blood was interesting; it sounds like the book has some fascinating concepts/themes. The MC doesn’t have to deal with his own emotions but his brother’s as well, and it would be interesting to see how he as to live differently because he also feels his brother’s emotions (which seems like having a dual personality, but with someone else’s emotions and that’s actually kind of creepy *ahem*).

    Honestly though, for half of these I was squirming in my seat and not because of the blood, but, well. The romance was grossing me out. XD

    1. Kristen Burns

      I loved Beckoning Blood. It’s even more complex because the twin is obsessively in love with the MC (but the MC basically hates the twin). And the empathic connection was definitely interesting.

      Haha only three of them are even romantic quotes! I suppose, at least my bloody quotes managed to gross you out in some way, even if it wasn’t the way they were intended? 😉

  5. Aralyn

    I love quotes. Yet I always seem to read too fast to remember and catalog the quotes I like…Shame on me. I end up having to look in the quotes section on Goodreads to rediscover them.
    Anyway, I really like some of these quotes! I looked up a couple of those M/M ones and have added them to my TBR. I read your review for Bleeding Heart and…*swoons* With your description of the sexy time(s), I look forward to reading it.
    Nice post 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      I love quotes too! Since I read mostly on my kindle, I just highlight them as I find them.

      Yes, you should totally read Bleeding Heart! I swear she writes the absolute best descriptions of vampire biting and sexy times that I’ve ever read.


  6. Lola

    This seems such a perfect topic for a post for you with your love for vampire books. And it’s a nice fit for this month as well with Halloween coming up. Nice quotes! It’s always interesting to read quotes out of context as those sentences get more emphasize that way, but you also miss some context to fully understand it at times. And it’s interesting how a quote can still give you a bit of a feel for the writing and the book.

    I don’t really make note of quotes, so I can’t think of any blood related ones either. Although I did read a vampire book (Damned if I Don’t ) recently which probably would’ve had a good quote. I do have a few quotes on goodreads, but most of those I added when I was new to goodreads, nowadays I usually forget to check for quotes there and many indie books don’t have as much quotes.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Right? Definitely the perfect topic for me lol. I just always highlight quotes I like or that stand out in any way while I’m reading on my kindle, so it’s easy for me to find them later. But you make an interesting point, that sharing quotes doesn’t have the context but it does emphasize that sentence in a way it might otherwise not be emphasized. And it is funny how even a sentence or two can give a feel for the writing.

      I’m still crossing my fingers I’ll get the Damned books, so maybe I’ll be able to see those blood quotes soon 🙂

  7. Bookworm Brandee

    Omigosh! I love these, Kristen! Some more than others but… I really like the more serious ones. Number 1 is pretty amazing. Numbers 3, 6, 8, and 10 – they’re favorites as well. And now I have more vampire books to add to my tbr! I don’t know why I’ve been in a vampire mood – maybe the season? But you’ve given me some good choices! And a few are already on my ereader. 😉

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yay! I actually didn’t care for Midnight Conquest (#1), I probably should’ve put a disclaimer that there isn’t sexy biting, that quote is just him feeding on some random guy lol. But the other ones you mentioned are amazing books! Beckoning Blood actually doesn’t have sexy biting either, but it’s still a fantastic book.

  8. Di @ Book Reviews by Di

    This might just go up there in the Top 10 posts I never expected but thoroughly enjoyed 😉

    I liked the quotes from Chase the Dark and Betrayal’s Shadow the best.

    I actually haven’t read any of these but I’ll be checking them out now – because you know, my TBR could use more books, right???

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha I’m glad it was able to surprise you in a good way!

      I enjoyed both those books! I even read the whole series for Chase the Dark. And pshh, TBRs can ALWAYS use more books 😉

  9. AngelErin

    I like that quote from Chase the Dark. I love it when a dark/vampire novel has a little humor with the darkness too. Great quotes. These are all pretty good. Great topic for October for sure! 😀

    1. Kristen Burns

      I hate to disappoint, but Chase the Dark is neither dark nor about vampires lol. Still a great book though! Thanks, glad you enjoyed the quotes! It did seem fitting for October 😛

      1. AngelErin

        Haha yes I looked it up and I was surprised! The quote sounds so vampiric! I’m even more surprised that it’s not dark. I added that one to my wishlist anyway because it still sounds FANTASTIC.

  10. Michelle

    Love the sound of Midnight Conquest by Arial Burnz. This is a great post! I loved almost all of these quotes and now found a few books I need to look at further!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Midnight Conquest wasn’t quite for me, I just liked that quote lol, but you might like it! And thanks! I’m glad I could help you find more books 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Number 9 is actually the love interest lol. But honestly if you don’t like the blurb, I’m not sure I’d recommend the book. It’s been a while since I read it, but I just read the blurb and think it sounds pretty accurate.