Ok, so, the meme guidelines suggest five books, and, when I first started looking, I didn't even think I was going to be able to find that many. It's a lot harder to find book covers with toys than you would think. Seriously, I had a book saved with a hedge maze on the cover because I was desperate and mazes are like toys, right? Right?! But then I searched "dolls" in the kindle store, and I kind...
Grateful is still trying to figure out her new life and what she wants from it (as well as what men she wants in it), but supernatural activity is increasing, an important weapon is going to be stolen, and she's about to be evicted from her house at the worst possible time. If she can't solve the mystery of what's going on and how to stop it, she'll lose more than just her...
It was a struggle for me to find a measly ten books/series with healthy relationships in my list of recent reads, and that's exactly why I decided to go with Healthy Relationships in Modern Lit 101. I'm so tired of cruel, dominating, controlling, disrespectful male love interests who the protagonist of course falls in love with because, in the end, all his cruelty and disrespect is actually very...
So apparently I had a lot more author favoritism when I was younger. It's not that there aren't any authors I love now, it's just that nowadays a lot of the authors I read write shorter series or don't have a lot of books out. And those who do, well, their other series don't seem to interest me. (Or they're still working on a series and I'm secretly cursing them in my head for making me wait.)...