It is December 31st today (well, technically it's not the 31st yet as I write this intro, and it might not be the 31st anymore on the day you're reading this, but it will be the 31st when the post goes up!), and I figured what better way to end 2016 than with a look at my bookish stats from the year?! (Clearly I have a very exciting life.) Seriously though, I've never looked back at any bookish...
Yay, it's time for one of my favorite posts of the whole year because this is the post in which I get to talk about ALL the books that I loved most all at once! It's a post full of happiness and good feelings, and I get to reminisce about the highlights of my reading year. What more can any book blogger ask for? Anyway, I debated how to do this. I mean, there are standalones, there are complete...
At the beginning of the year, I wrote a post about what my bookish goals were for the year. It was actually the first time, believe it or not, I ever had any bookish goals. Really they were more like guidelines, things I was excited about, things I wanted to read more about, types of books I wanted to try for the first time, stuff like that. But anyway, it seemed like it'd be a good idea to look...
Merry Christmas, everyone :-) Or, if you don't celebrate or are not celebrating for any reason, happy Sunday :-) I know it's Christmas, but I still wanted to post because I love this blogging community and still wanted to say hi to everyone. I will keep it brief though since most of you are probably busy. So first, just for funzies, I will share with you all one of my favorite Family Guy scenes...
Yay, time for another character post! I do so love these, guys. Except, unfortunately, I didn't seem to find very many female characters I loved this year. I really don't know why I struggle so much to find female characters I like. Well, I suppose part of the problem could be that I read a lot of M/M fiction and therefore read about females less, proportionally speaking, but never fear, I still...
So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
I have one word for you this week: ants. Here's three more words: really stupid ants. Because here's the thing, I keep my apartment clean for this exact reason. I don't want to deal with bugs. And because there's no food sitting around, there's not even a trail of ants I can spray or anything normal like that. Instead it's just a bunch ants aimlessly wandering around the middle of my living room,...
Sam and Michael have been living in the Colorado mountains for a while, but, when weird things start happening, Sam starts to realize there's still a lot about Michael's supposed curse and paranormal abilities that he doesn't understand. When Sam sees proof of skinwalkers and other paranormal things right before his very eyes, he struggles to understand and embrace his husband, their...
Alright, peeps. It's that time of year again when I tell you all about my favorite characters! I know this probably won't be my most popular post, but I love it nonetheless because characters are my lifeblood. They are what gives me the emotion and the feels when I read, and that's what I love most in books. I might still sometimes give a book a high rating even without great characters if it's...
It's been a couple months since the incident in the first book, things have slowed down a bit, and Cal is trying to get to know his new team members and learn how to cope with the unsettling deja vu he acquired from his trip to the Eververse. But then a werewolf, a wizard, and a former mayor are murdered, causing the different supernatural factions to start blaming each other, and it's up to the...