The Weekly Update: 1/29/17

The Weekly Update: 1/29/17

There was some crazy weather earlier this week! 26mph winds. Tornado warnings. Freaking tornado warnings. I don't live somewhere that gets tornadoes. As a kid, the idea of tornadoes completely terrified me because I always felt like, what do you even do? Where do you go? You can't prepare for that! But seriously, I'm used to rain, thunderstorms, whatever. But where the hell did all this, just,...
Book Review: Swallow You Whole (Swallow You Whole Book 1) by Jasper Black

Book Review: Swallow You Whole (Swallow You Whole Book 1) by Jasper Black

When demons Henry and James both accidentally claim the same soul, an auditor shows up to determine which one of them has the rightful claim and which will be chained up in Hell. Henry, desperate to avoid that punishment, comes up with a scheme that involves the three of them to work together, along with two humans, in order to get more souls to feed on than ever before. Unfortunately for them,...
Book Review: A Face without a Heart by Rick R. Reed

Book Review: A Face without a Heart by Rick R. Reed

When Gary says one day that he would trade his soul in order to stay young forever and let the hologram his friend and artist Liam created bear the signs of his age and life, he doesn't expect that wish to come true, but that's exactly what happens. He attempts to immerse himself in parties, drugs, sex, and the finest things money can buy, but, in doing so, loses his humanity, and by the time he...
Book Review: The Boy in Her Dreams (The Girl in Between Book 2) by Laekan Zea Kemp

Book Review: The Boy in Her Dreams (The Girl in Between Book 2) by Laekan Zea Kemp

Now that Roman has his memories back, he feels broken and guilty and struggles to come to terms with the person he was and what his life has become, and in doing so he pushes Bryn away. Meanwhile, since Bryn's KLS is getting worse, she decides to go to Germany to try a new treatment. But the two soon realize that Bryn's illness isn't quite what it seems, their meeting definitely wasn't...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Big Ben

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Big Ben

It was a lot easier to find covers with Big Ben on them than you would think it would be, even when sticking mostly to sci-fi and fantasy. I mean, I knew this would be a topic at some point, so I started bookmarking any covers I stumbled on with Big Ben, so that made it easy when it came time to make the post, but still, there are more out there than I would've thought! Anyway, I've never been to...
The Weekly Update: 1/22/17

The Weekly Update: 1/22/17

Gah, I have nothing to talk about again! Umm, I cut my hair? I cut at least eight inches off, but it's still what most people would consider long, so that's probably not very exciting news lol. The hair I temp-dyed teal years ago that never actually washed out have all finally been removed though, so that's something, I suppose. Oh! I tried this frozen apple crumble thing that you cook in the...
Book Review: King’s Lament by Lilia Blanc

Book Review: King’s Lament by Lilia Blanc

After Inea's father, the King, dies, the royal advisors plan to sell Inea to their rival kingdom's queen, but Ansyn helps him escape. Months later Ansyn finally catches up to Inea, who has been in hiding, and, after a rocky start, the two find that they need each other, as well as their new ally, Kaedon, and the three struggle to handle their unexpected romance as they work toward getting Inea...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

In an effort to spread more awareness of disabilities and the books that feature them, I've decided to join the Disability Diaries event and to share with you all ten science fiction and fantasy books featuring disabled characters! I know this is similar to the list I just introduced on Monday, but I wanted a chance to actually spotlight some of the books I've read and others that sound...
Book Review: The Girl in Between (The Girl in Between Book 1) by Laekan Zea Kemp

Book Review: The Girl in Between (The Girl in Between Book 1) by Laekan Zea Kemp

Bryn has Klein-Levin Syndrome, a chronic illness that causes episodes of sleep that last anywhere from days to months, but hers is a rare case because, when she has these episodes, she goes to a strange place with an everchanging landscape, made entirely of her memories, where she's the completely alone... until the day a boy she's never met washes up on the beach. He has no memory, but she's...