So this isn't a real update, more of an update to let you all know that my Weekly Update posts are on temporary hiatus. It might just be for a week or two, I'm playing it by ear here since I'm supposed to be moving next weekend and don't know how I will end up feeling after that. (Note the words 'supposed to be.' If it's get pushed again, I will punch someone. Ok, no I won't because I don't even...
Logan is miserable working in the bowels of the museum as an assistant to the cranky curator, Perry, so, when he gets a chance one day, he opens the door he's never supposed to touch and accidentally awakens a cursed 5000-year-old mummy named Seti. But if Logan and Seti ever want a chance to explore the feelings blossoming between them, they'll have to avoid getting caught by Perry, his...
You know what I learned about myself while making this post? I apparently have a thing for layers. I also have a thing for corsets, but I already knew that. Oddly enough though, I never dress anything like the way the characters on these covers dress. Seriously, basic Kristen style is solid colored shorts, a solid colored tank top, t-shirt, or long sleeved shirt, and a scarf through my belt...
Blaze has fought in the pits with his dragon, Erie, for almost his entire life, but he wants nothing more than to escape this life before Erie gets hurt. Ken got out of the pit fights with his dragon Nevada a while ago, and now he wants to take them down entirely. Rafael is tired of being abused by his brother but sticks around to keep his brother's dragons safe. When a new, powerful dragon is...
Honestly I considered not even posting today because I'm tired and stressed, plus my arms are bad this week. But this was already half finished, so it seemed like a waste of arm pain to not just post it in case any of you are interested in what books I got/read over the past week. Oh! I almost forgot, I watched Descendants 2. I thought the first movie was really silly and not very good, but I...
The war is over, but retired soldier Zander is still struggling. When he hires a ship to help him rescue an old friend of his who's in trouble, the last thing he expects is to find his old best friend and lover, Felix---who was declared killed in action many years ago---alive and well and part of the crew. Although feelings still remain, there's a distance between them now, and the two men will...
Since the introductory post went over so well and most of you said you wanted updates, here we are! I do have a bit of news though. I got rid of the ghost (sorry to anyone who liked him!) since he just wasn't clicking for me. But I added two new sims to make up for it! Also, a little explanation of something else before I get to the shenanigans. I'm still playing The Sims 3, in case anyone...
Alex---former pharaoh, now an immortal mummy---is working as a vice cop in the Nocturn Affairs unit in Miami. When someone starts poisoning the synthetic blood causing vampires to go into blood frenzies, Alex and his vampire partner, Marcus, get thrown into a case that gets more twisty and dangerous the deeper they...
I have some good news! I had a fantastic creative/bookish week! I read/received some books about uncommon supernatural creature MCs, ordered some books with gift card money while they were on sale and I had free shipping, and... I actually wrote something! Like, 3500 words of something! It's about Jacovine because I have #Jacovine4Lyf on the brain. (If you missed the post or have forgotten, I'm...
Elias has been homeless for a while, still affected by the death of his boyfriend ten years ago and preferring the freedom to be himself over having a home but being forced to be someone he's not. But one day he fixes a broken synth that he finds in a dumpster, and it leads to bigger consequences than either could imagine, and both will have to decide what they're willing to sacrifice for what...