I've seen a lot of fellow book bloggers mention that they had some failed blogs before their current one, and, well, I too had some failed blogs before this one. And since it was this blog's two year anniversary on Sunday, this just seemed like the perfect time to look back on all those other blogs that didn't make it anywhere near two years and tell you all about them...
Posts from Month: July 2017
It's been ten years since the mission at Hades that took the lives of numerous hell divers but saved humanity and allowed life on the airship, the Hive, to continue. In those ten years, Michael, a.k.a. Tin, has grown up and become a hell diver himself. But Captain Leon Jordan has been keeping secrets from everyone, and some of the ship's inhabitants and hell divers are getting closer to...
I forgot to tell you all last week that the guys across the hall did in fact put out a 4th of July door mat as decoration for the holiday :-P Anyway... I haven't done much the past week other than stress out over moving-related stuff. But oh, hey, I realized yesterday that today (July 9th) is my two year blogging anniversary, so yay! I think I may have mentioned at my one year anniversary that...
Scarlet and Liall have finally made it to Liall's homeland, but they are far from safe---if anything they're in even more danger because of the Rshani hatred for Hilurin, the political intrigue of the royal court, and the current power struggle for the crown, and Liall knows there are some who wouldn't hesitate to hurt Scarlet in order to get to him. As if that weren't enough, a rift starts...
I'll be honest, this is more just me ranting and rambling than an actual discussion. But sometimes venting feels good, and where better to vent about book-related things than my book blog? And who knows, maybe some of you will be able to give me advice or relate and commiserate with me...
Lucy and her friends have stopped the serial killers, but now Lucy has a new problem---an angry wraith making her crazy and constantly threatening her and her loved ones. As Lucy struggles more and more to sate her hunger, she, Morgan, Zack, and Cortney head out on a roadtrip to talk to Puck and find...
Remember I mentioned last week that I watched Captain Fantastic? Well, ever since watching it, I haven't been able to shake this strange deja vu feeling. When the movie started, one of the actors looked familiar. I looked him up but hadn't seen anything that he was in. I brushed it off and kept watching. Then it got to one point further into the movie, and I predicted something that was about to...