Bookish News: May/June 2019 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Releases to Get Excited About

Bookish News: May/June 2019 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Releases to Get Excited About

We're really getting into the thick of it now with new releases, peeps. The next few months have sooooooooo many amazing-sounding sci-fi/fantasy books coming out! Instead of struggling to find enough books for each post, I'll be struggling to decide how many to include so that these posts don't get too long. But I'm not complaining, too many great books to be excited about is a good problem to...
Book Review: The Fever King (Feverwake Book 1) by Victoria Lee

Book Review: The Fever King (Feverwake Book 1) by Victoria Lee

In a future US, outbreaks of viral magic kill most who are unfortunate enough to get infected, but those who live develop special abilities and are known as witchings, including Noam who wakes from his fever with technopathy. The Minister of Defense takes him under his wing, giving Noam the opportunity he wants to help the refugees in Carolinia, but the more he gets to know the minister's ward,...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Flowers

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Flowers

Since I'm posting this on Easter, I wanted to do something slightly-but-not-overly Easter-y. This holiday makes me think of spring, which makes me think of flowers, so here we are, book covers featuring flowers! Honestly flowers are just so pretty on their own that I didn't have to try too hard to find pretty covers that featured them. These covers aren't the style that I usually end up with...
Book Review: One Good Dragon Deserves Another (Heartstrikers Book 2) by Rachel Aaron

Book Review: One Good Dragon Deserves Another (Heartstrikers Book 2) by Rachel Aaron

Julius's mother is tired of him being a failure of a dragon, so she seals his true form and sends him to a city where dragons are hunted for bounty, his life on the line unless he can prove he's capable of being a good dragon. When he's given a job by his brother, he hires a mage named Marci for help, and the two end up working together to try and solve both their dangerous...
Game Reviews: 3 Quick, Free Games to Make You Smile

Game Reviews: 3 Quick, Free Games to Make You Smile

I don't know about you all, but I find that life can be tough, and it helps to find things here and there that can make you smile. For me, games are one of the best distractions. Sometimes a whole long and involved game takes too much time and focus though. That's why quick, simple games can be great! I came across these three games lately---two of which only take a few minutes, the other less...
Book Review: Ascendance (Dominion Book 4) by Lissa Kasey

Book Review: Ascendance (Dominion Book 4) by Lissa Kasey

Seiran is just generally unhappy about the Christmas season, stressed about graduation, and feeling like Gabe doesn't have time for him anymore, so when he gets a letter about an estate in California that his deceased father left to him, he goes to check it out, hoping to sort out his troubles and to learn more about his father. But when Seiran discovers a faerie ring on the property that's been...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Faces

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Faces

I know a lot of people don't like book covers with faces, but sometimes they're done really well and are really beautiful or striking. I especially love illustrated ones because it gives me the chance to see the character exactly as they're meant to look and to connect with them before I even start the story, plus I'm a sucker for pretty artwork. Even photos can be great if it's not a photo I've...