Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For

Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For

There are so many amazing-sounding queer sci-fi/fantasy books releasing this year! It was hard for me to choose just ten for this post, but making these kinds of blog posts is a lot of work, so I had to make a limit for my own sake. Sharing excitement is fun though! I decided to go with just books releasing in January through June for this post, with the hopes that I will do another one for...
Book Review: The ABCs of Spellcraft Collection Volume 2 (Books 5-7) by Jordan Castillo Price [Audiobook]

Book Review: The ABCs of Spellcraft Collection Volume 2 (Books 5-7) by Jordan Castillo Price [Audiobook]

When Yuri gets evicted, the attic Dixon lives in gets awfully crowded, what with his cousin Sabina and Uncle Fonzo living there too, so they go apartment hunting, but Yuri wasn't the only one evicted. Developers have come to town, there may be spellcrafting afoot, and Dixon and Yuri are determined to save the town that means so much to...
Bookish Tag Post: Personal Library Book Tag

Bookish Tag Post: Personal Library Book Tag

I had one blogging goal this year, which was to do one discussion a month. This isn't quite a discussion post, but it's discussion-ish, right? It'll have to do. I saw this tag on Feed Your Fiction Addiction, the original is from 24hryabookblog, and I haven't done a tag in a while, so I figured it'd be fun! I also rarely talk about my bookshelf, so this seemed like a fun chance to do...