Every so often, a star falls and is given a human form, in order to banish the shadowy scourge that overtakes the lands. Sol is tired of his fellow stars dying for unappreciative humans and plans to eradicate them, but getting to know some of them on the journey has him questioning his...
I've reviewed the previous books in this series with mini reviews on the blog, so I wanted to at least do one of these quick review posts for the rest now that I've read them. Since they all have the same "Recommended For" and mostly the same tags, I'll just do those sections once at the end. This series sort of had its ups and downs, but overall, it had a wonderful romance/relationship/family...
I just wanted to do a chill post, and movies aren't that far out of the realm of books and games, right? It's all stories! And some of these even started as books! So it's still a good topic for my blog, I think. Plus I get to just chat about things I love. Things you might love too. And if you feel like it, you can tell me about your favorite movies, and then we'll all have some new...
Clark is stuck in the same day repeating over and over, until one day someone new shows up in school, makes a ruckus in class, then steals a car, and Clark decides to go with him. Clark falls for him during their day together, but he still has to figure out how to make the time loop...
I'm doing a type of post today that I haven't done in a while, and that's a Kickstarter post! To tell you all about a book that sounds fun with queer characters, paranormals, getting framed for kidnapping... When I said fun, I meant for me, not so sure about the characters 😅 Seriously though, it sounds cool, and it has a variety of rep, including some that I don't find super often, like a...
Vel and Cae would like some time to relax after the events of the last book, but politics never stop, and they're summoned to Cae's grandmother's court. But throughout their journey and their stay, murder attempts, seductions, and more are thrown at them, and they struggle with trying to survive while also figuring out their new...
Ok someone please tell me how to intro these posts, because I don't know anymore. I've had this blog for over eight years, I've used every update intro that exists. There are no more left. I have spent my free time this month playing Baldur's Gate 3! Again! I finished another playthrough. It's just such a cool game. I love all the characters. I've been posting about it a bunch on Tumblr. (If...