I’ve recently started listening to podcasts, and guess what: They’re great!
Well, at least, the ones I’ve been listening to are great. And, as you may have guessed from the title, they’re also funny, and they’re sci-fi/fantasy. (I have a brand, and I stick to it. What can I say.)
One of these (Gay Future) I thought was hilarious from the start. One of these (Roommate from Hell) never quite connected with me, but it’s something I think others might like. And the interesting thing about the other three is that I felt really unsure about them at first and thought I wasn’t going to like them, but they quickly grew on me, and I ended up loving them.
So… let me tell you all about these fun comedy sci-fi/fantasy podcasts I’ve been enjoying!
*I’ll include how much I’ve listened to of each podcast at the time of this review since all of these are supposedly planning more seasons.
*I’m sure you can find all these wherever you listen to podcasts, but if you’re new to podcasts and need a recommendation, I listen to them all with the Stitcher app on my phone!
Gay Future
(Listened to Season 1)
This narrative podcast is about a future where everyone is gay, except for a band of straight rebels and their chosen one who must embrace his straightness to fulfill the prophecy and save everyone. Also Clay Aiken is president. It’s a parody of YA dystopians with a sprinkling of Harry Potter references and a crap ton of irreverence and silliness. If you’re worried that it’s an anti-LGBT+ story, worry not. It highlights the ridiculousness of YA tropes and anti-LGBT+ bigotry in a hilarious way.
Roommate From Hell
(Listened to Season 1)
I love the idea of a human moving into an apartment with a literal demon from Hell. Unfortunately, this one didn’t quite click with me—it might’ve been because the episodes are so short, or it might’ve just been a differing senses of humor thing—but that doesn’t mean it won’t click with other people. Most of the episodes are only a few minutes long and are just entertaining snippets from the characters’ unusual lives (one of them being a demon and all) rather than a narrative story, which is perfect for anyone who doesn’t have long periods of time to listen or who has a hard time keeping up with whole series.
Alba Salix: Royal Physician + The Axe & Crown
(Listened to Seasons 1 & 2)
This is a fun podcast about a surly witch working as the royal physician in a fantasy kingdom, the teenage monk apprentice she’s been saddled with, and a faery who just wants to help. Although the episodes go in order, each one is a separate little story about the characters’ mishaps, like a sitcom. It’s not what I’d call laugh-out-loud funny, but it’s entertaining and enjoyable, and the characters have grown on me throughout the two seasons I’ve listened to so far.
(Listened to Season 1)
The Axe & Crown is about a tavern run by a troll named Gubbin, the human landlord (Stan), and Gubbin’s niece (Petula). It’s part of the Alba Salix podcast, set in the same world, but it’s about different characters, and you wouldn’t need to listen to Alba Salix to enjoy this. I actually liked this even more than Alba. It was cute and funny, and I really liked this motley trio, the friend/family bonds they formed, and their antics.
(Listened to Season 1)
Dystopian and comedy is not a combination you see often, but it really works here! The characters all live in a dome on another planet. Morgan is a monster hunter who was raised outside the dome. Annie is her drug dealing roommate. Mitch is some guy Annie went on two dates with who becomes Morgan’s hunting partner after being attacked by a monster and developing powers. Van is Morgan’s ex and also a fellow monster hunter. These four have a lot of wacky shenanigans and monster hunting escapades, but the podcast also injects a lot of satirical humor by making fun of everything from energy drinks to shoes with individual toes to men who try to talk to women while they’re wearing ear buds. It’s kind of a narrated audio drama, and I wasn’t so sure about it at first, but it turned out to be great. The ending of S1 was kind of a cliffhanger, so I’m really hoping there will be more seasons, for that reason, and just because the podcast is a lot of fun to listen to.
Mission to Zyxx
(Listened to Season 1)
I believe this is a rather well-known and popular podcast, and I can see why—it’s hilarious! It’s an improv podcast about a new ambassador and his crew in space getting up to all sorts of high jinks as they, well, pretty much continually screw up missions. It’s hard to describe the humor, but it feels very modern. And the improv does give it a very different feel. My favorite character is C-53, an android. Something about his humor just gets to me, in the best way. Bargie, the ship, is pretty great too, in an entirely different way. Really, they’re all great, and their interactions are so fun. It’s just a joy to listen to.
More Podcast Recommendations
Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out – Gay Future, Alba Salix: Royal Physician, Mission to ZYXX, & More
Love to Listen: 5 Funny SFF Podcasts to Check Out (2) – Dungeons & Daddies, Who Killed Avril Lavigne?, The Two Princes, & More
I’ve been listening to podcasts a bit more too, after struggling to make time for them for so long. I usually do them in the background while I do other stuff- that way I feel like I’m multitasking or something lol. In reality I’m probably missing half the ‘cast, but *shrug* it’s working for me so far? 🙂 Anyway- love the sound of The Axe and crown. Just the whole tavern thing… and Gay Future sound hilarious.
Mission to Zyxx sounds like something I should try.
Whatever works for you! I used to open up YouTube videos on part of my screen and then do my blogging and stuff while watching, for certain types of videos that didn’t really require full attention. But yeah, these are great! Mission to ZYXX and the Alba Salix ones might be great for you 🙂
Bubble and Gay Future both sound really funny. I don’t listen to podcasts enough, which is sad because when I do, I really enjoy them!
They’re both great! There are just so many different books, movies, podcasts, and types of media out there that sound good, it can be hard to make time for all of them.
I’ve never listened to podcast actually, not sure why. I do enjoy audiobooks, so maybe I have to give podcasts a try too sometime. I am glad to hear you found some fun podcasts to listen to.
I didn’t listen to them before either, so I get it! I do think you’d like them though. They don’t have all the narration of a book, but the sound effects bring things to life more. Thanks 🙂
I have to admit I don’t listen to podcasts at all and it’s just not my thing – I like audiobooks, music and booktube. I struggle to listen to the latter sometimes, so I already have my hands full balancing those in my listening life and don’t really have room for much else. But I am glad you have some you really enjoy!
Thanks! Yeah, if you already have a bunch of other things to listen to, I can understand not having time for podcasts.
Out of those – Roommate from hell would probably be the one that would work for me because I do better with short snippets.
I started listening to podcasts last year as a way to get better with audiobooks.
Karen @ For What It’s worth
See, then maybe that one would work great for you! Oh that’s a cool idea as a way to get better at listening to things. It’s weird how listening does get easier with practice.
I’ve never listened to any storytelling podcasts before but these sound super interesting! You’ve got a great collection here
Well if you do ever want to try a story-based podcast, I recommend these!
I don’t really listen to podcasts, but Gay Future sounds absolutely hilarious and I think I have to check it out.
That was the first narrative one I listened to, so I definitely understand the appeal lol. It just sounds so funny, and it is!