Since I know a lot of my blog visitors don’t use or follow me in other places, I like to occasionally make compilation posts like this. I’ve done it for The Sims and Project Zomboid, so now Baldur’s Gate 3 gets a turn!
I’ve been using Tumblr a lot lately, so that’s where these are from. Sorry if I went overboard 😅 I talk about this game a lot, so I tried to pick the ones that I thought would be entertaining for everyone, including people who haven’t played.
Warning, there are some spoilers for small things in the game, but I avoided anything big or truly spoilery.
I’m sorry the images are so small and the alt text gets cut off, I can’t control how the embeds work. So I’ve included a couple in the post to help.
Note: Tav = the player character. It’s just the word everyone uses because it’s the default name.
Anyway, enjoy!
Who’s a Good Boy?
Just Astarion Things
“Ugh. There had better be a soft bedroll in my near future.”
That’s Halsin in the picture, scolding my character.
Just Hamster Things
Psychic Damage
The World is Doomed
I Do Love a Good Dress-Up Game
I Love Gale So Much
(The video is not mine, but I had to share it because I laugh every time at Gale’s response and the awkward little “pleased with himself” smile.)
Wild Magic Shenanigans
Note: If you are a wild magic sorcerer, sometimes casting a spell will cause a random magical effect to occur.
The hamster thing had me cracking up! My daughter loves Baldur’s Gate, and I’m definitely curious about it. If I weren’t so darn busy lately, I think I would have already given it a try. Fun to live vicariously through others a bit, though. 🙂
It’s so much fun, you should definitely try it if you get a chance!
So it turns out that one of the “points of no return” that branch the story is if you are unable to sway Shadowheart from her original mission, per the Nightsong. (Being vague here so as to not spoiler things). Well, on my first playthrough my Tav was a half-orc Monk with like 5 Charisma, so the entire game was just me failing to get a positive outcome from any conversations, and I certainly wasn’t changing Shadowheart’s mind.
So she attacked me. For reals though. I did everything I could think of to fix this issue. I changed to non-lethal combat and knocked her out, then completed the Nightsong mission while she was passed out, hoping that would reset her. Nope, still angry. Knock her out again, try and carry her through the portal. Nope, won’t let me. Throw her off into the ether and go see Bones for the resurrect? She wakes up angry, all spells recharged, and IN MY CAMP.
So on my first playthrough I in the end left the poor thing unconscious and scantily clad on a floating rock in the Nowhere, and the last 1/3 of the game was Shadowheartless.
Next time I played a bard, Charisma for days, and it took me like three times as long.
Oh no, poor Shadowheart, haha. My first character also had no charisma (druid), I didn’t even know you *could* talk your way past fights sometimes. I’ve also played some charismatic characters since then, and getting to choose persuasive/intimidating/deceptive options can be a lot of fun!