Bloggy Musings: How My Blog Got Its Name and Other Blog Backstory

Bloggy Musings: How My Blog Got Its Name and Other Blog Backstory

It's my seventh blogiversary! Well, one of these days. I forget the exact date. Anyway, to celebrate each year, I like to do a personal sorta post, something about me that relates to reading or blogging. This year, I've decided to talk about some of the things on my blog, the design, why I chose the things I chose, etc. Will it actually be interesting to anyone? I don't know, but I'm doing it...
Blogging Tips: 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Blog More Accessible for Screen Readers (+ Bonus Social Media Tips!)

Blogging Tips: 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Blog More Accessible for Screen Readers (+ Bonus Social Media Tips!)

I have to admit, before I started using a screen reader (software that reads text and page elements aloud) for my own health problems sometimes, I didn't think much about the accessibility of my blog. I didn't even know there were certain things I could be doing that would make it easier to navigate or use for anyone who uses a screen reader, which can include (but is not limited to) people who...
Bloggy Musings: 5 Ways I’ve Changed as a Reader Because of Blogging

Bloggy Musings: 5 Ways I’ve Changed as a Reader Because of Blogging

My 4-year blogoversary is this week! And each year I like to do some sort of post to commemorate the event. (The word 'commemorate' makes it sound like a big deal when it's really not lol.) Anyway, this year I decided to talk about some of the ways my reading has changed since I've started book blogging. Are all of these changes because of blogging? Are some of them just correlation but not...
Blogging Tips: How to Find Upcoming Book Releases

Blogging Tips: How to Find Upcoming Book Releases

I used to wonder how people were able to find out about upcoming books months in advance. Backlist books are great, but hyping up and getting excited about upcoming books is fun too, and I wanted to join in! So I started figuring it out, and I thought I'd share my methods of finding upcoming releases. There are, of course, many different ways to find out about books, but, well, these are mine,...
Blogging Tips: How to Use Feedly (+ Why It’s My Favorite Feed Reader!)

Blogging Tips: How to Use Feedly (+ Why It’s My Favorite Feed Reader!)

When I first started blogging, I used live bookmarks instead of a feed reader, but eventually I was following too many blogs to keep up with, and it was too much work to check for new posts. I then switched to Bloglovin', but it seemed like they weren't showing me all the posts from blogs I was following, it was difficult to organize the blogs, and I couldn't figure out a way to remove posts I'd...
Blogging Tips: Tips for Writing Book Reviews When You Don’t Have Much to Say

Blogging Tips: Tips for Writing Book Reviews When You Don’t Have Much to Say

I love writing book reviews, for the most part. I enjoy getting to share my thoughts and opinions and feelings about books and to know that other people actually read them and even sometimes find them helpful. But I know that some people struggle. And even I sometimes come across a book for which I just... don't know what to say. I also remember how much I struggled to figure out how to write...
Blogging Tips: How I Use Goodreads

Blogging Tips: How I Use Goodreads

I feel like I've seen a lot of people say that they don't really know how to use Goodreads, that they don't use it for anything other than posting reviews, that they don't understand the point of certain things, etc. Goodreads is one of the few social media sites I legitimately use and somewhat click with, and while I am by no means an expert or wildly popular on there, I was inspired to make a...
Bloggy Musings: Is Blogging a Creative Outlet?

Bloggy Musings: Is Blogging a Creative Outlet?

I was actually inspired to write this post by Karen's discussion (and the ensuing comments from other bloggers) @ Kissin Blue Karen about whether or not you'd keep blogging if no one read your blog. It was interesting because it seems whether or not someone would continue their blog depends on why they blog, what they gain from it, etc. I for one would not keep blogging if no one read my blog,...