Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

I'm really excited about this week's cover characteristic (Do I say that every week? I feel like I probably do.), which is odd because I don't like fish. I don't like how they smell, how they taste, how they feel. I dislike fishing even more.

What I do like, however, are the book covers I found!

Some of them are actually some of my all-time favorites.

It was a little difficult to find TEN good ones though, so I included a few with jellyfish because I figured we probably won't ever be doing that as a topic since it seems rather specific (watch, now it'll be chosen just to spite me :-P). I also really wanted to use the cover for Drown.

So there you go. I make my own rules in the name of pretty book covers!

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week’s topic is:

Books Covers featuring Fish

The Sea Witch by S.J. Valfroy | books, reading, book covers
The Sea Queen by Jovee Winters | books, reading, book covers
Drown by Esther Dalseno | books, reading, book covers
City of the Iron Fish by Simon Ings | books, reading, book covers
Silence Is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher | books, reading, book covers
The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin | books, reading, book covers
Fish Out of Water by Natalie Whipple | books, reading, book covers
The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric | books, reading, book covers
Talk Under Water by Kathryn Lomer | books, reading, book covers
Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions by Daniel Wallace | books, reading, book covers

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Big Fish: A Novel of Epic Proportions by Daniel Wallace

Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions by Daniel Wallace | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I actually don’t really like this cover. But without this book, one of my all-time favorite movies wouldn’t exist. So I felt like it deserved a spot on the list.


Talk Under Water by Kathryn Lomer

Talk Under Water by Kathryn Lomer | books, reading, book covers, cover love

The cover is a little odd but kind of interesting, and I couldn’t help but include it because the book is on my TBR (one of the main characters is deaf, and, after four years of sign language in high school, you can’t help but be interested in a book like this).


The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric

The Undrowned Child by Michelle Lovric | books, reading, book covers, cover love

It’s kind of magical and fairytale-esque looking.


Fish Out of Water by Natalie Whipple

Fish Out of Water by Natalie Whipple | books, reading, book covers, cover love

It’s simplistic but cute.


The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin | books, reading, book covers, cover love

It’s kind of whimsical and pretty.


Silence is Goldfish by Annabel Pritcher

Silence Is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher | books, reading, book covers

This is another simplistic one but also kind of quirky, like the title.


City of the Iron Fish by Simon Ings

City of the Iron Fish by Simon Ings | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I actually came across this on Pinterest, and I’m glad I did because it’s so artistic and creative.


My Favorite #1:
Drown by Esther Dalseno

Drown by Esther Dalseno | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I absolutely ADORE this cover. It is so gorgeous and magical-looking, and the story is also magical and fairy tale-esque.


My Favorite #2:
The Sea Queen by Jovee Winters

The Sea Queen by Jovee Winters | books, reading, book covers, cover love

I don’t even know what this book is about, but I know it’s on my TBR for a while purely because the cover is amazing. (And I swear there are fish on it, they’re just small!)


My Favorite #3:
The Sea Witch by S.J. Valfroy

The Sea Witch by S.J. Valfroy | books, reading, book covers, cover love

Another gorgeous cover, and striking with the deep purple. Also an amazing book (you can read my review here).


Talk to me!

Which book cover with fish is YOUR favorite?

Book Covers featuring Fish | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fish

Your Thoughts


12 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

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  1. Greg

    I had trouble with this one! I couldn’t find any I liked at first, but settled on a few. And I agree about fish- I like the IDEA of eating fish but in reality I don’t all that often. I like The Sea Witch a lot, with the underwater vibe, and the colors. And Sea Queen as well- all the blue I think.

    City of the Iron Fish is interesting, and Fish Out of Water is simple but cute, I agree. Nice picks!

    Love the title graphic, BTW.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, I’m actually not really a picky eater, and I know it’s good for you, but fish (well, seafood in general) is one thing I’ve just never liked.

      The Sea Queen and The Sea Witch both have such bold color, right? It really makes the books stand out! And thanks about the title graphic. Koi are one of the few fish I guess I kinda like, haha.

  2. Anissa

    Drown is absolutely stunning! I’ve never heard of it before but I’m adding it to my TBR! 😀 All these covers are gorgeous!

  3. Lola

    I lvoe this feature! You always found such beautifull covers for these posts! The Fish out of the Water cover is so simple, but pretty! Drown, The Sea Queen and the Sea Witch are all very pretty! I ike the bold ocean like colours. And the cover for City of the Iron Fish is so creative and original. I like how it’s both a fish and a city at once. That one might e my favourite, although the title and author name do take less attention on that cover.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! I’m a really visual person, so I love looking through my books and Amazon and whatnot to find pretty covers. The bold colors are great, right?! I agree about The City of the Iron Fish though. I think it was some sort of special redesign thing, so it’s really artistic and original, but the tiny print is not great from a marketing standpoint. It almost doesn’t even look like a book cover.

  4. Pingback: Cover Characteristic – Fish | Sugar & Snark

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