Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair


Ok, I had way too much fun with this post.

This is not the official topic this week, but I didn’t care for the official topic and got inspired when I came across one cover in particular and was mesmerized by how gorgeous the character’s hair was, so here we are.

I happen to love long hair, I think it’s pretty, so basically I just went and found a whole bunch of covers with long, flowing, completely unrealistic but oh-so-gorgeous hair. (I mean, have you ever tried standing in the wind with long hair? It somehow defies physics and never actually flies backwards in the same direction as the wind but rather flies into your face instead.) But anyway, some of the covers are women, some are men—I’m an equal opportunist ;-)—but they’re all… hairy!


Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. I went rogue this week, so my topic is:

Books Covers featuring Hair

The Brush of Black Wings by Grace Draven | reading, books
The Fray Theory: Resonance by Nelou Keramati | reading, books
The Path of Flames by Phil Tucker | reading, books
Air Awakens by Elise Kova | reading, books
Make Me Burn by Tiffany Roberts | reading, books
Towering by Alex Flinn | reading, books
There Will Be Phlogiston by Alexis Hall | reading, books
The Silent Tempest by Michael G. Manning | reading, books
Eidolon by Grave Draven | reading, books
The Griever's Mark by Katherine Hurley | reading, books

Pin the Collage!


And for your listening pleasure while you view all these lovely covers…


The Griever’s Mark Series by Katherine Hurley

The Griever's Mark by Katherine Hurley | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair
Unbound by Katherine Hurley | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

I’m not sure what’s happening on these covers, but I’ve never seen hair do anything like this. This girl’s hair has a mind of her own.


Eidolon by Grace Draven

Eidolon by Grave Draven | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

The hair on this cover isn’t blowing in the breeze, but it’s still flowing down their backs so prettily!


The Silent Tempest by Michael G. Manning

The Silent Tempest by Michael G. Manning | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

This is a two-for-one because the girl on the right has the blowing in the wind thing going on, and the girl on the left has hair down to her ankles! It’s so long she doesn’t even need clothes. I think I just found a new way to save money.


There Will Be Phologiston by Alexis Hall

There Will Be Phlogiston by Alexis Hall | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

I even have horse hair up in this post! Not only that, this cover also has a man and a woman all with their hair blowing in the breeze. That’s like extra equal opportunist right there.


Towering by Alex Flinn

Towering by Alex Flinn | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

I’ve used this one before, but how could I not use it again for this topic?!


Make Me Burn by Tiffany Roberts

Make Me Burn by Tiffany Roberts | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

Look at all that hair! So much of it! All flowing and blowing!


Air Awakens by Elise Kova

Air Awakens by Elise Kova | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

I don’t think I could get my hair to do that if I tried. That must be some magic wind.


The Path of Flames by Phil Tucker

The Path of Flames by Phil Tucker | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

This hair isn’t as long and flowy as the others, but it’s so white and wispy which makes it unique and pretty. (Also he looks so sad. I kinda wanna just give him a hug.)


The Fray Theory: Resonance by Nelou Keramati

The Fray Theory: Resonance by Nelou Keramati | reading, books

First of all, I actually just LOVE this cover. Second of all, LOOK HOW GORGEOUSLY RED THAT HAIR IS.


My Favorite:
Master of Crows Series by Grace Draven

Master of Crows by Grace Draven | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair
The Brush of Black Wings by Grace Draven | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

The Brush of Black Wings was actually the inspiration for this whole post because THAT MAN’S HAIR IS GLORIOUS. (Seriously, it looks even better when you see the cover bigger.) Where can I find me a man with hair like that?! I mean, I’ve gotten lots of compliments on my hair throughout my life, but I ain’t got nothin’ on him.


Talk to me!

Which book cover with pretty hair is YOUR favorite?

Book Covers featuring Hair | reading, books, book covers, cover love, hair

Your Thoughts


35 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hair

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  1. Greg

    Not a fan of this weeks topic either. My favorite of these is definitely The Silent Tempest- both women have awesome hair and I can imagine the one with ankle length as a dryad or something- some kind of nature spirit. I like the forest element in that one too, very mystical. Towering is certainly appropriate for this topic 🙂 and I like Griever’s Mark too.

    The Path of Flames isn’t bad and yeah Master of Crows and Black Wings are nice. Both of them have some pretty nice hair in Crows, and Black Wings has that gnarled forest and the birds in the background. I like all that. 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, I’m not a fan of a lot of the topics coming up either, unfortunately. I’m trying to find some different sort of cover thing to do for those weeks since I have no Photoshop stuff right now. I was considering joining the Friday Face-Off meme but just posting it on Monday instead lol.

      I do like that Silent Tempest one. The first book in that series has a gorgeous cover too that I think you’d really like.

      The girl does also have nice hair in the Master of Crows books, but his is just longer and more glorious. That’s the only appropriate word lol. And I’m partial to black hair. Always been my favorite hair color.

  2. Greg

    I know? There are some topics coming up where there aren’t going to be any covers, or at least not ones I’d wanta use. So I’m thinking of coming up with my own little alternate list for those weeks that are sucky. I’m not familiar with Friday Face- Off…

    I’ll go look at that first book because if the cover is anything like Tempest I’ll probably like it. And yeah the guy on Crows does have nice locks- I like how his hair and the crow are almost touching? Not sure if that’s intentional…

    1. Kristen Burns

      Here, the Friday Face-Off page:

      Thinking of my own topics for CC is hard lol. And then I feel like with my luck they’ll end up doing that topic soon and I’ll have already just done it lol. Next week is ladders. I’m not planning on doing that either. Next week’s Friday Face-Off is weapons, so that’ll probably be easy enough, though finding a cover that actually has a different UK version will be the hard part.

        1. Greg

          Yeah I see that. Looks like they haven’t posted in a bit. I’m not doing ladders either- that’s a whatever topic lol. I was just going to skip but maybe I’ll go rogue. 🙂 I do have a list of topics I’m working on- just for a back up plan. It’s pretty fantasy oriented but I need to have fun looking- nothing worse than looking for chairs or something you know? lol

          1. Kristen Burns

            I still don’t know what I’m gonna do next week :-/ Cover Characteristics posts are kind of a lot of work though lol, so I wouldn’t mind finding something else that would let me share something cover related but also take a bit of a break sometimes. But man, even chairs would be better than ladders, haha.

  3. Angela @ Simply Angela

    I love this post! I’m always mesmerized by how amazing everyone’s hair looks on book covers. I have long, thick hair and you’re so right, it always ends up in your face in the wind. It never billows behind me as it does in book covers. I generally end up looking more like Cousin It from the Addams Family. lol

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! It really was a fun one for me lol. I also have a lot of hair, and I absolutely despise wind with a passion because my hair never just blows back gorgeously either. I also end up looking like Cousin It, or that girl in the graphic I made 😛

  4. Barb(boxermommyreads)

    Great choices. Man, all I could think of when I looked at the cover of Make Me Burn is I would hate to have to deal with that shower drain. Pretty shallow huh? I haven’t read any of these books but some of them look pretty interesting. I always enjoy your cover characteristic features.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Well my hair pretty much is that long, so I do have that shower drain, haha. Though at least it’s just me, not two people with long hair! I haven’t actually read any of these these, but I have two of them, and a couple more I’d like to read too. Thanks!

  5. Lola

    I also love long hair, which is one of the reason why I always let my hair grow long and because short hair just doesn’t suit me. Fun topic for a post!

    That hair on the covers for the Griever’s Mark series sure seems to have a mind of it’s own, it almost seems to hover i the air above their heads, instead of following gravity. I like the Silent Tempest cover and it even has two long haired people, lol. And the air awakens cover looks nice too, although yes I have no idea how she makes her hair do that.

    I especially like the second Master of Crows cover, for some reason the clothes on the first doesn’t seem flowy enough or maybe there’s a very strong wind there. But his hair is definitely nice. And I like she has a braid (I think) on the second cover.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I also have long hair. I cut it “short” once in the past 12 years (and by short I mean just above my shoulders, which is short to me), and then I let it grow back out. I like how it feels, even if it is a pain sometimes.

      Seriously, I have never seen hair do whatever her hair is doing on Griever’s Mark lol. Or whatever the hair on Air Awakens is doing, but Griever’s Mark is still stranger. But the Silent Tempest one is pretty, and so is their hair.

      Master of Crows just isn’t as good as the second one, I agree. Everything just looks more flowy and glorious on the second cover. I think her hair is just more twirled, but it does still look better than the first.

      1. Lola

        I made the same “mistake” once and cut my hair “short”, till just above my shoulders (which is also short to me). It looked horrible. My hair is very thick so my face looked very round as all my hair sorta fluffed outside around my face. Ever since then I’ve let it grow, only cutting it to keep it health. It reaches till my lower back at this point. Long hair can be pain sometimes, but I still prefer long hair. I usually keep it braided during the day, so it’s easier to handle. Although I hit myself in the face with my braid once, so I guess even a braid can be difficult at times.

        I wasn’t sure if her hair was twirled or braided, but I like how their hair looks on that second cover, so pretty! It sure is interesting to see how hair is depicted on covers and the weird almost standing hair that looks impossible is kinda fun to see too.

        1. Kristen Burns

          Hahaha my hair kind of fluffed out too. I often put my hair in a bun after showering to let it dry some before taking it down, and apparently, when it’s short, it gets super wavy/almost curly when I do that. It looked crazy because it was this curly puffball thing lol. When it’s long, the length weighs it down and makes it only slightly wavy. I keep mine in a bun or ponytail usually when I go out nowadays since it’s easier to keep out of the way. But I learned a long time ago to use this kind of folded/looped ponytail thing (like, just don’t pull it all the way through the last time) when I started stepping on my hair with my hands at gym and whipping myself in the face lol.

  6. Yvo @ It's All About Books

    This is such a great alternative topic! The hair on all these covers is simply gorgeous; I wish my own hair would look that perfect all the time lol. I mean, after years of growing it is finally reaching my lower back, but I can never make it look as good as for example The Silent Tempest or Towering. I can totally relate to the ‘hair in the face’ scene by the way. xD

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! And seriously, why can’t my hair look that perfect, especially in the wind?! Mine also reaches my lower back. But the hair-in-face struggle is real. I look like that girl in the post graphic every time I go in wind with my hair down lol.

  7. Grace

    Kristen, a fellow author directed me this way. Your post made my evening, and I can’t wait to send it on to my two artists (Louisa Gallie – illustrator of Master of Crows and The Brush of Black Wings covers, and Isis Sousa – illustrator of the Eidolon cover). They will love this as much as I do.

    We’re all fans of long hair in my household, and I typically wear mine to below my waist (my spouse’s was as long as that until 4 years ago – cut it for a new job):

    So I’m all about the hair for my book covers. 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Oh I love that you found my post! I was thinking as I was making this that you must really like long hair since all your covers seem to have it, and now my thoughts have been confirmed haha. But I love it too! My hair is also past my waist, and I think long hair looks just as great on men.

      You do have some wonderful cover artists!

  8. verushka

    This is the best! I feel like they’re all worthy of being Loreal “You’re worth it” hair ads (or is that Pantene?), I couldn’t pick my favourite at all!

  9. Resh Susan

    You are a genius in coming up for ideas for cover characteristics. They all do have really nice hair. I wish our hair could be as lush as the ones in th cover

    1. Kristen Burns

      The topics aren’t always my idea, but this one was, so thank you! But seriously, how can we real-life people get hair like that? I want hair that perfect!

  10. Tiffany Roberts

    I came across your blog and was surprised and excited to find Make Me Burn on your list! I had a great laugh reading the comments on each cover followed by those of these guests! I had the pleasure of working with Isis Sousa, the same illustrator who worked with Grace on her Eidolon cover. She’s an amazing artist and I fall in love with the way she paints – especially the long hair!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I’m so glad you found my blog and enjoyed this post! I decided to do this topic on a complete whim, believe it or not, just because it seemed fun lol. You have chosen a wonderful cover artist, and the long hair looks great!

  11. Ashley G.

    So I never given much thought to books with hair covers, but you seem to have found a lot! It seems fantasy dominates the hair covers. XD I think I like that last one best too, as well as the guy with the white hair. Elf hair (Tolkien elves, like Thraundil) is the best.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, high fantasy seems to be the genre for long hair covers! Apparently it’s the in style for paranormal creatures, not that I mind 😉 I do like that white hair one too, it definitely does look elfin!

  12. Tasya

    I really like the Towering and Air Awakens cover hair (or hair cover? xD) The Towering’s just look so lush and gorgeous, while Air Awakens just look so magical. I would definitely look like an onion if my hair flew all up like that xD

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha this is anything goes kind of post, so call them what you want 😛 The Towering’s hair does look so pretty, and seriously, there has got to be something magical going on with her hair on Air Awakens lol.

  13. S. J. Pajonas

    I saw your title and I immediately thought of the musical, Hair. Lol. That may be before your time, though. 🙂 You’re so right, there are LOTS of book covers with hair as the main focus! I feel like I see a lot of white or red hair, and they’re both stunning, so I can see why the cover designers chose them!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Isn’t that Hair song originally from the musical or something? I haven’t actually seen the musical though, I just knew that song and got it stuck in my head while making the post lol. But hair really does seem to be a big thing on covers. And you’re right, red or white do look really striking! But then red is my favorite color, so I’m always drawn to anything red on covers lol.