Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

Wow! There are A LOT of gorgeous book covers out there that prominently feature hands on them. I had a ridiculously hard time narrowing down my choices, so I can definitely see this being a topic I do a part 2 for---there are so many more covers I still want to share with you all!

But, as usual, I somehow managed to choose just ten ;-) and I don't have a whole to say about hands other than they are super useful and I'm really happy to have them. So here are the covers!

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week’s topic is:

Books Covers featuring Hands

Caleo by James Crawford | books, reading, book covers
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab | books, reading, book covers
Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond | books, reading, book covers
The Left Hand Path: Mentor by T.S. Barnett | books, reading, book covers
Havelock by Jane D. Everly | books, reading, book covers
Touched by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers
Marked by Sarah Fine | books, reading, book covers
Sora's Quest by T.L. Shreffler | books, reading, book covers
The Shifter by Janice Hardy | books, reading, book covers
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black | books, reading, book covers

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The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

The contrast of the skin and background is striking, and I love the font.


The Healing Wars Series by Janice Hardy

The Shifter by Janice Hardy | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Blue Fire by Janice Hardy | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Darkfall by Janice Hardy | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

These are just pretty, very magical looking.


Sora’s Quest by T.L. Shreffler

Sora's Quest by T.L. Shreffler | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

This one is gorgeous and artistic, and it looks almost 3D. I was tempted to choose this as my favorite but didn’t because it kind of looks more like a video game than a book cover (though it’s still gorgeous).


Servants of Fate Series by Sarah Fine

Marked by Sarah Fine | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Claimed by Sarah Fine | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Fated by Sarah Fine | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

These look interesting with a great fantasy/sci-fi feel.


The Marnie Baranuik Files by A.J. Aalto

Touched by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Death Rejoices by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Last Impressions by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Wrath & Bones by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Deadhead by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Dirt Nap by A.J. Aalto | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

I couldn’t help but share all six of these because they’re just SO PRETTY!


Havelock by Jane D. Everly

Havelock by Jane D. Everly | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

This is another 3D one, which I love, plus I love all the red (big surprise).


The Left Hand Path: Mentor by T.S. Barnett

The Left Hand Path: Mentor by T.S. Barnett | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

This is some nicely done yet creepy looking cover art.


Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond

Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

It was the cover of this one that really drew me to the book (and I’m glad it did because it ended up being fantastic). I love the art style and the colors and the, well, the girl on a wire lol. It’s very eye-catching.


A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

I like the minimalism and the colors.


My Favorite:
Leech Series by James Crawford

Caleo by James Crawford | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Jack by James Crawford | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands
Nolan by James Crawford | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

I am just so drawn to these covers, especially the first one! It’s another 3D-ish one, but it also looks so inviting and interesting and has a great use of colors.


Talk to me!

Which book cover with hands is YOUR favorite?

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands | books, reading, book covers, cover love, hands

Your Thoughts


14 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

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  1. Greg

    This was a fun one. The Healing War covers are all good, they do have a magical quality to them, and I like the colors (especially that first one).

    I think Sora’s Quest is my favorite. Yeah it’s a bit video gamey but I like the green orb thingie, I don’t know. 🙂 It kinda jumped out at me. The Aalto covers are kind of freaky, definitely makes me wonder what’s going on in THOSE books lol. and I like Havelock (that might be my 2nd favorite). I wonder what the pill is all about, and the red nails- nice cover.

    These are all good though!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, the first is my favorite of the Healing Wars series too. I do love the Sora’s Quest cover, so I can understand that being your favorite. Didn’t even think about the green lol. I think the Aalto books are about a witch or something like that? I might’ve made that up, haha, but they are on my TBR. Also wouldn’t mind reading Havelock, I think it’s sci-fi. Thanks!

  2. Lola

    I never realized there are so many covers featuring hands, the only one that comes to mind right now is Destiny Rising by Siobhan Davis. But you sure found some great covers, I really like these, the focus on the hands does give a very specific feel and tone to the covers. I really like the covers for the Healing Wars and the ones for the Leech series are very good too.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Destiny Rising is a pretty interesting cover. It’s hard to think of them off the top of the head though. I usually look through my Kindle and TBR for these posts lol. The 3D ones especially give a neat feel to the covers. Hands is a great topic since there’s so much that can be done with them on covers. And I love that on Leech cover so much!

  3. Bookworm Brandee

    I only recognize ONE book this week, Kristen! Holly Black’s. 🙂 But my favorite is Caleo, too! Geez! Those covers are awesome! And you’ve just added another book to my tbr. 😉

    1. Kristen Burns

      I have finally stumped the great Brandee! Ok stumped isn’t quite the right word, but you do always seem to have read every book on my cover posts, so this is quite a surprise 😛 Would you believe I’ve had Caleo sitting on my kindle for almost a year but still haven’t read it, despite its pretty cover always beckoning me? Lol I’m gonna try and get to it this year.