Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Keys

Guys, I think I have a problem. I think I'm just going to officially up my Cover Characteristics book choices to ten because choosing five?  I can't do it, I tell you, I can't do it! Every single time I think to myself, I'm never even going to be able to find five covers, and then I end up with like thirty tabs of possible covers open at once plus five more of books I found when I inevitably got distracted and was like, ooh, that doesn't have a key on it, but it looks so interesting!

Anyway, here are my ten (...ok, eleven...) picks for book covers with keys!

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week’s topic is:

Books Covers featuring Keys

The Silver Key by Kaitlyn Davis | books, reading, book covers
The Red Deaths by Casey Eanes | books, reading, book covers
Keystone by Misty Provencher | books, reading, book covers
Scintillate by Tracy Clark | books, reading, book covers
Insanity by Cameron Jace | books, reading, book covers
Parlee and the Dragon Keys by PJ Waldeck | books, reading, book covers
Keys to the Kingdom by Joe Hill | books, reading, book covers
The Golden Key Chronicles by AJ Nuest | books, reading, book covers
The Doorknob Society by MJ Fletcher | books, reading, book covers
The League of Freaks and the Secret Key by Alberto Hazan | books, reading, book covers

Gorgeous, right?! There were just too many great covers for this topic, and I never realized how pretty white covers can be. My favorites though are the ones for The Silver Key, Parlee and the Dragon Keys, and The League of Freaks and the Secret Key.

Also, this one is not normally my type of book cover, but I chose this one as a sort of runner up because the illustration is impressive. And because vampires.

Quest for the Vampire Key by Mark Knight | books, reading, book covers

Talk to me!

Which book cover with keys is YOUR favorite?


Your Thoughts


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  1. Pingback: Cover Characteristic – Key(s) | Sugar & Snark

    1. Kristen Burns

      It’s funny how something as simple as keys on a textured background can be so pretty, right? But that’s what I love about the meme, that it gives me chance find all the variety in what makes a cover good!

  2. Stephanie Jane

    I just found this post through your ‘related posts’ widget and I love all these keys covers together! I think the key earring is my favourite – clever and effective detailing 🙂