Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring People Holding Fire in Their Hands

Everybody get excited because it's time for another strange and highly specific topic!

If you recall, I did a post about people holding glowy magic in their hands a few weeks ago, but, while I was looking for those covers, I also came across quite a few covers with people holding fire. Since fire isn't quite the same as magic, I decided to make it a separate post (plus the collages totally look prettier when the colors on the book covers match).

Anyway, it had to be done because I can't have the last name Burns and not have at least one post about fire, right? Right. I'm glad we're on the same page. Now enjoy the covers :-)

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week I went rogue, so my topic is:

Books Covers featuring People Holding Fire in Their Hands

The School of Hard Knocks by Christopher G. Nuttall | books, reading, book covers
Lioness of Kell by Paul E. Horsman | books, reading, book covers
The Witching Elm by C.N. Crawford | books, reading, book covers
Drowning in the Dark by Pippa DaCosta | books, reading, book covers
The Fire Seer by Amy Raby | books, reading, book covers
Wendigo Rising by James A. Hunter | books, reading, book covers
First Year by Rachel E. Carter | books, reading, book covers
Wickedly Powerful by Deborah Blake | books, reading, book covers
Destroyer Rising by Eric Asher | books, reading, book covers
Fire by L.B. Gilbert | books, reading, book covers

Pin the Collage!


Fire by L.B. Gilbert

Fire by L.B. Gilbert | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

There’s not too much going on, but she looks badass, and I love her hair.


Destroyer Rising by Eric A. Asher

Destroyer Rising by Eric Asher | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

Also not too much going on, but the mixture of colors is pretty.


Wickedly Powerful by Deborah Blake

Wickedly Powerful by Deborah Blake | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

Did I say the first girl looked badass? This woman has clearly got some spunk. Plus a cat. And the whole cover looks interesting.


First Year by Rachel E. Carter

First Year by Rachel E. Carter | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

This one always kind of intrigues me.


Wendigo Rising by James A. Hunter

Wendigo Rising by James A. Hunter | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

He just really looks like he doesn’t even want the stupid fire in his hand. (And from the blurb and the few pages I read of the first book in the series, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t lol.)


The Fire Seer by Amy Raby

The Fire Seer by Amy Raby | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

This one is just pretty, no explanation needed.


Drowning in the Dark by Pippa DaCosta

Drowning in the Dark by Pippa DaCosta | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

Totally urban fantasy, and I love the style and overall feel.


The Witching Elm by C.N. Crawford

The Witching Elm by C.N. Crawford | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

I know this one is just a guy, a bird, and… what exactly is that behind him? I thought it was a tree, a theory that seems to be supported by the title, but it also looks like wings? Anyway, the cover looks kind of simple, but I think it’s beautiful.


Lioness of Kell by Paul E. Horsman

Lioness of Kell by Paul E. Horsman | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

I love the style and colors of this.


My Favorite:
The School of Hard Knocks by Christopher G. Nuttall

The School of Hard Knocks by Christopher G. Nuttall | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

Ummm, is this not amazing?! Everything from the colors to the image/art itself is gorgeous.


Talk to me!

Which book cover featuring people holding fire in their hands is YOUR favorite?

Book Covers featuring Fire Magic | books, reading, book covers, cover love, fire

Your Thoughts


8 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring People Holding Fire in Their Hands

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    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha fire is definitely an awesome element. Instant toasted marshmallows, whenever you want 😉 Then again, if you had power over air you could probably fly, so there’s that. I want all the books too though! Let’s go raid a bookstore and take a life break and just read all the cemetery and fire books lol.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I love doing this meme each week, you should definitely join in! I can definitely see why you like those two covers! The Fire Seer is especially gorgeous to me.

  1. Greg

    That’s a nice collage- a little fire in each one. All good picks- I agree about Fire, like her hair in that one, and Wickedly Powerful is one of my favorites of the bunch. She does look badass, and it’s a great title too! The Witching Elm is nice, and so is Lioness of Kell (I like the ship in the background).

    My favorite though is The Fire seer. It looks like she’s looking into the flames and I don’t know, it’s just the one that stands out to me the most. Very nice.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I get a little too excited when my collages match lol. Wickedly Powerful does actually seem like it’d be a good book, and it does have a nice title. I still can’t figure out if that is in fact a tree on The Witching Elm lol, but I’d also like to read that one and Lioness of Kell (I agree, the ship is pretty).

      How weird, I didn’t, until right now, make the connection between “Fire Seer” and the fact that she’s looking into the flames, since she probably does see the future or something in them, being a seer and all. I can see why you like that one.

  2. Bookworm Brandee

    They’re all great covers, Kristen, but my favorite is The Witching Elm. I have always thought that was a tree behind the guy but upon further examination, it may very well be wings! *ha* We’ll have to read it and figure it out, yeah?