Aren’t snow globes so pretty? And kind of magical too, like a perfect, little world inside a glass bubble.
They also make for nice book covers, hence this post!
And that’s about all I have to say about snow globes, so… enjoy these pretty covers!
Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week my topic is:
Books Covers featuring Snow Globes
Matched Series by Allie Condie
I know these technically aren’t snow globes, but close enough because this was a hard topic. And they’re still interesting.
The Possible by Tara Altebrando
This one is different since it’s like a storm globe. And the little pop of red is nice.
A Night Never Forgotten by SJD Peterson
This looks sweet, and I like the art style, and it gets bonus points for having like 15 snow globes in one cover 😛
Secret of the Snow Globes by Dianne Novak
This one is also unique since it’s got a ship in it. Not sure why the snow is on the outside, but I’ll take it.
Snow Globe by Jeanne Skartsiaris
This one looks pretty magical and has as nice color.
Forever Winter by Donna J. Collins
This definitely looks wintery and has a really pretty shade of blue.
The Snow Globe by Jenna Nelson
That looks like such an interesting land inside the snow globe, and it’s overall a nice cover.
My Favorite #1:
Princess of Tyrone by Katie Hamstead
This one is so pretty. I especially like the glittery nail polish.
My Favorite #2:
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
This one is also just so pretty. White and blue do make a really nice, wintery combination.
My Favorite #3:
The Dark Queens Series by Jovee Winters
All the covers in this series are gorgeous and so well done.
Nice collage! We have some of the same ones although you found more than I did. 🙂 Snow Globe is my favorite and The Ice Queen is nice too. I like that Snow Globe almost looks like the globe is levitating in her hand (I know there’s a stand but I’m just ignoring it) it just has a magical quality. The Ice Queen is my runner up I like everything about it.
I had Wintersong and The Snow Globe too, Wintersong is very nice. And Crossed works for me, I’ve always liked those covers. The one with the ship is nice too now that I look closer- almost like another world. I like all the blue on these.
Kudos for finding these, I had trouble with this one.
I love how one is called “Snow Globe” and another is “The Snow Globe,” and I wonder if that one little “the” realizes how significant it is in the context of this post lol. But yeah I get what you’re saying because when I first saw Snow Globe I actually thought it was levitating.
This collage ended up having a color scheme too since most of the covers were blue lol. I figured I’d just go with it. I put that one more colorful in the middle to balance things out, keep it symmetrical 😛
It was actually the first four covers in the collage that made me want to do this as as topic. I loved those and wanted to share them. But I struggled finding the rest too.
There’s just something about Crossed that appeals to me in this. I think because she’s stepping out of the globe…. hm.
They are really interesting covers, right?
The Possible is a good cover and I saw and loved The Snow Globe cover by Jenna Nelson when I saw it over on Greg’s page. The Jovee Winters books are gorgeous! I checked out the six books on Goodreads and they are stunning!
I’ve always loved all of the Jovee Winters covers! My favorite is the red one but I figured the blue and purple looked better for the post lol.
All of these are gorgeous but I have to admit, Wintersong and The Snow Globe are my faves. I’ve been waiting for Wintersong for what seems like forever! I just added The Snow Globe to my wishlist too. I just knew your cover features you had planned for this month would drastically add to my TBR.
I love both of those too. And lol you should just be ready to add books to your TBR from now on. I also want to read Wintersong though!
Such a pretty theme for this week! I always forget about this meme! I’m going to see what next weeks topic is!
Thanks! The official meme has been on hiatus for a while though. This was just my own topic. But next week I’m posting my favorite covers from books I read this year, and you can totally join in!
This is such a good topic! I also like how lame of the books are titled ‘snow globes’ or have the title ‘snow globe” in time. Teehee!who would have known that snow globes could have been so pretty to look at?? I personally think my favorite ones are the Marched series by Ally Condie!
Snow globes on the cover and in the title, perfect, right? But seriously, they make surprisingly beautiful covers!
Well done on finding so many books with snow globes on the cover.
For me, The Snow Globe stands out but I love the gorgeous shades of blue/purple on the Jovee Winters series.
Thanks! I love those covers too, and you’re right, those shades of blue and purple are gorgeous!
Oo, I like the Wintersong cover best. It makes me think of Beauty and the Beast. XD
Oh you’re right! How has no one else noticed that comparison?!
I never realized there are so many covers with snowglobes on them, they look quite magically all next to each other like that. The Possible cover is nice with the storm inside the globe. I think Wintersong and Princess of Tyrone are my favorites of these. Although I also like the Snow Globe with how it has this wintery landscape inside the globe. Oh and the dark queens series covers are really pretty too, I like how the style is kept consistent, but each cover is different in color and details. It’s neat how the characters are inside the globes on that one.
They really do look magical! I love Wintersong and Princess of Tyrone. And yes, finally a series that’s properly consistent lol.
All of these are so beautiful!! The Wintersong cover is just STUNNING. I really love snow globes on book covers.
I agree about Wintersong! Snow globes do make great covers.
Blue seems to be “the” color for snow globes on covers, huh? 😀 I couldn’t believe you’d found so many covers with snow globes! Good job! I think the Jovee Winters covers are my favs but I kinda like them all. The muted blue used with so many seems to set a tone – and I like it. 🙂
Yeah, most of the ones I found were blue so I just decided to go with it and stuck to the blue color scheme lol. And I love those Jovee Winters ones!
I like all of them. My mother would like them too. She loves snow globes.
Snow globes are so pretty!
These are really pretty. You did a spectacular job finding covers. The only one I could think of was Elsewhere. 🙂
Thanks! This was a hard topic lol.
Wow, all pretty. I have Matched to read eventually.
Who doesn’t love snowglobes? 🙂
I haven’t read Matched, but it does sound like an interesting one.
And I know, right? Snow globes are so pretty!
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