Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring TVs

Since I completely failed at this weeks Cover Characteristics, I will make up for it by once again regaling you with a related fun fact.

You know that TB test you get every so often as a kid to make sure you don't have tuberculosis?

Well no one actually explained to me what it was. So, when I was little, I thought it was a TV test that tested if you were watching too much TV.

Luckily I always passed. I guess I watched just the right amount of TV ;-)

Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted at Sugar & Snark. This week’s topic is:

Books Covers featuring TV


The first that came to mind was:

Poltergeist by James Kahn | books, reading, book covers

Perfect for October, right? I wasn’t even sure it was a book, but hurrah! It was.

Next I tried searching Amazon for some different TV related terms. Book covers with TVs on them are few and far between. But I started opening new tabs with potential covers, and then I realized it sounded like I was creating the lamest cable package ever:

The Execution Channel by Michael McCord | books, reading, book covers
Channel 20 Something by Amy Patrick | books, reading, book covers
Channel 49 by Alex Spivak | books, reading, book covers
The Execution Channel by Ken McLeod | books, reading, book covers
The Murder Channel by CK Brooks | books, reading, book covers

That was about when I gave up. I’m aware they don’t even all have TVs on them. Here are some nice, pretty pictures of Dean and Sam, Kanera, and the Losties to further make up for my failure and because this whole post is a mess anyway, so why not? They’re about TV shows. That’s close enough 😛

Supernatural: Cold Fire by John Passarella | books, reading, book covers
Star Wars: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller | books, reading, book covers
The Ultimate Lost and Philosophy: Think Together, Die Alone by Sharon Kaye | books, reading, book covers

Talk to me!

Which book cover with a TV is YOUR favorite? And, more importantly, do you want to my buy my cable package? That's two Execution Channels, people! You won't find a better deal than this!


Your Thoughts


6 thoughts on “Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring TVs

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    1. Kristen Burns

      I think I saw Poltergeist when I was younger, so I only remember the infamous, “They’re here.”

      To be honest, I’ve seen nine seasons of Supernatural, but I’m not in love with it. So I didn’t even really pay attention to what the book is about lol.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I don’t know how you only choose from books you’ve read, that would be way too hard for me! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the Poltergeist movie though, so, close enough 😛