Book Review: A Faerie’s Revenge (Creepy Hollow Book 5) by Rachel Morgan

Calla thinks the big secret she found out is going to be the most stressful and difficult thing to deal with in her life... until guardians start dying from a mysterious, magical disease and Calla gets framed for it. Calla tries to prove her innocence, save her loved ones and everyone at the Guild, and do what's right for the entire faerie realm, all while struggling with her feelings and realizing that right and wrong isn't always so black and white.

4 Star Book Review: A Faerie's Revenge (Creepy Hollow Book 5) by Rachel Morgan | books, reading, book reviews, book covers, fantasy, urban fantasy, YA, faeries, paranormal, supernatural
Title: A Faerie's Revenge
Book Number: Book 5 (Creepy Hollow), Book 2 (Calla's Story)
Pages: 382
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


Another solid book in this great series!

I was dying to know how the twist ending in the last book would pan out, so I was super excited for this one. And I’m happy to say I ended up enjoying it even more than the last! There was plenty of action and mystery to keep me wanting more until it finished, plus it also had some great humor thrown in, especially in one scene that had me laughing out loud. *SPOILER ALERT (only if you haven’t read A Faerie’s Secret)* I swear I’d been thinking since Book 4 ended about how awkward it was that both Violet and Calla dated the same guy, so I was dying when the three of them finally realized it. And of course Ryn had the most hilarious commentary on it. *END SPOILER ALERT*

I also finally warmed up to Calla more. It was a struggle adjusting to her POV after three books with Violet, but I found her more likeable and relatable this time. She still made some bad decisions from time to time, but she still seemed more mature. And I already liked Chase from the last book, so he was also great, playing the role of tortured hero that I love, because really, he’s about as tortured as a hero could possibly get.

Ryn though—I know this book wasn’t supposed to be about Ryn, but somehow he always steals the show for me. Can I just say he is going to make such an amazing father?! I’ve never said that about a character before, but the way he is with Calla, so protective and sensible when he needs to be but also so supportive and funny and understanding with the way he doesn’t want her to grow up but still lets her… Anyone who can be that great of a big brother will be a perfect father.

Anyway, back on topic, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next!


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2 thoughts on “Book Review: A Faerie’s Revenge (Creepy Hollow Book 5) by Rachel Morgan

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  1. Bookworm Brandee

    I’m so happy this one was even better and that Calla won you over. That’s fantastic. And, of course, I’m happy Chase was still working his ‘magic’ on you but I giggled over Ryn stealing the show. Some characters are just like that. 🙂 So, now that I’ve read ALL your thoughts on this entire series, you know I’ll be pushing it to the top of the heap!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Lol well you just read my other reviews, so you already know I totally love Ryn. He pretty much steals the show in every book. I’m gonna be sad if he’s not in the next three, but I have a feeling he might not be. I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you think of the series!