Book Review: A Veiled & Hallowed Eve (Soulbound Book 7) by Hailey Turner

Samhain is drawing near, and the Dominion Sect is going to make their move to make their leader a god and bring about Hell on Earth. Patrick and Jono, along with their pack and the alliances they've made with mages, vampires, fae, and gods, will have to stop them to save the world, and hopefully Patrick can fulfill his soul debt in the process.

Book Cover - A Veiled & Hallowed Eve by Hailey Turner
Title: A Veiled & Hallowed Eve
Book Number: Book 7
Pages: 485
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon


Talk about an action-packed book! Whew. This was certainly a finale. But, although I’m a reader who isn’t super into fight scenes, this action was warranted and was the epic battle the entire series had been building up to. And having the fighting be chock full of magic and shifters and vampires and fae and dragons and demons and zombies and gods made it even more interesting and wild.

There’s not anything I can say about the characters or the rest of the series that I haven’t said already, probably numerous times, but I am going to miss Patrick and Jono and Wade and their whole pack and found family because they’re wonderful. I’m also going to miss Lucien and Carmen because I love them too, despite (or maybe because of) the fact that they are total assholes. This series did have a lot of great characters, as well as lovely friendships and found family and a romantic relationship that is overflowing with understanding and support and love. Patrick and Jono are a perfect match, and I don’t think anyone could’ve been there for Patrick the way he needed and helped him through all the trauma in his life except Jono.

This book provided great closure to all the important threads without overdoing it and left me with warm feelings. I’m happy for these characters. They deserve their happiness and to enjoy their lives together.

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: eBook via TTS*


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4 thoughts on “Book Review: A Veiled & Hallowed Eve (Soulbound Book 7) by Hailey Turner

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  1. claire @ clairefy

    I’ve never read this book before (although I swear I’ve seen it somewhere else, the cover looks so familiar to me), but I do love action-packed finales! One of my favorite fantasy series is the Poppy War books by R. F. Kuang, and I love how each of those concludes with enough adventure and magic and closure to keep me satisfied but eager for the next story.

    claire @ clairefy

  2. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    Last books are hard! There’s always so much they need to wrap up but you don’t want to be tied up too neatly because it feels like a bit of a let down. It sounds like it got a good balance of story and closure. I’m glad you enjoyed it.