Book Review: A Vigil in the Mourning (Soulbound Book 4) by Hailey Turner [Audiobook]

Patrick, a mage working for the government as well as the gods he's indebted to, is sent to Chicago this time because Odin might be in danger, and because there might be info about the Morrigan's staff. Meanwhile, Jono continues in his push against the New York god pack while avoiding hunters and forming new alliances.

Book Cover - A Vigil in the Mourning by Hailey Turner
Title: A Vigil in the Mourning
Book Number: Book 4
Pages: 368
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


This was another great book in the series!

These are great characters, and their relationships are super sweet. All the relationships—the romantic one between Patrick and Jono, and the found family they’ve created with their friends and their pack, especially Wade, the sometimes petulant but lovable teenage dragon. I also really enjoy getting to see an established romantic relationship that grows over the course of a series with ups and downs, rather than just the beginning of a romance.

This book also had the usual action-packed plot. This time it was about Norse gods.

I feel like these books are becoming kind of similar, like there’s not much difference between them (a bit of relationship stuff but no big changes, a sex scene or two, some battles with gods and the Dominion Sect) and the overall plot about the staff isn’t being pushed forward much, but I still enjoy them.

The audiobook narration by Gary Furlong was good. I still feel like it’s a bit flat, but I can’t tell if that’s a stylistic choice or if maybe English just isn’t his original accent. It still sounds natural though, and dialogue sounds good with the right emotion when necessary.

Overall I enjoyed this, I like these characters and their little found family, and I’m looking forward to more of their story.


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