This was so fun! It had that kind of humor where the characters are just a touch ridiculous and silly sometimes, but not too extreme, in a sometimes inappropriate, sometimes playfully snarky, sometimes oblivious way, always entertaining way.
The romance felt genuine and sweet, and I really enjoyed it. I felt like they really were getting to know each other and coming to feel happy and safe with each other the more time they spent together. They also had childhood crushes, and that added a fun element because we got to hear about the ridiculous things they did to try and impress each other back then, but that wasn’t the basis of the romance, nor was sex. It really was the two of them getting to know each other and being there for each other. I also loved how much August loved Landon’s constant inappropriate responses and playful snark at people (who usually deserved it). He never tried to rein him in. They really were perfect for each other.
The story continued past the initial romance with a non-romance plot involving supervillains and superheroes, which added some action and family conflict/growth while also allowing us to see the two characters be together in their relationship more.
There was also an adorably ugly hairless cat! And fun villain stuff! Fun because Landon’s family and the other villains they hung out with were mostly just ridiculous and harmless and more like pranksters than actual villains (aside from the stealing).
Despite the title, I don’t know that I would really consider this a Christmas book. (I categorized it as such on my blog anyway though because *shrug*.) Not that that makes the story less enjoyable, just setting expectations for other readers. There was basically no mention of Christmas until it was Christmas Day, and then there was maybe a few pages about them celebrating. But it does take place around November/December.
Overall, this was a fun and funny book with a bit of superhero action, a pampered hairless villain cat, likeable characters, and a sweet, genuine romance.
Recommended For:
Anyone who likes m/m superhero/villain romance, cute romance that builds up gradually, playfully snarky characters, a bit of superhero action, lots of laughs, and silly fun.
I guess it’s like Die Hard is considered a Christmas movie because it’s on Christmas lol
This does sound fun though.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
I guess lol. I’ve never actually seen Die Hard, so I didn’t even know why it was considered a Christmas movie. But yeah this was fun!