I just adore these books and these characters and their relationship! I can feel the love between them, and it makes me just all sorts of warm and squishy inside.
This one had a little more angst, but it’s the kind of series in which you know it’s always going to work out. The angst just added more emotion to the story and strengthened the bond between these two.
Jonathan frustrated me a bit, but even he realized by the end of the book that he wasn’t really being fair to Forrest, so all is forgiven!
Much like the first book, the setting was just a normal (albeit quirky) town, but there was a touch of magic involved in the story.
Did I mention how much I love these two and their adorable relationship? Because I do, and *fingers crossed* that there will be more books about them!
Recommended For:
Anyone who likes adorable m/m romance, holiday romances, annoyed-secret-crush-to-lovers, and a bit of magic.
More Books in the Series:
Book Review: Merry & Sprite (Holiday in Sunset Surf Book 1) by Dani Lakely
Book Review: Bone to Be Wilde (Holiday in Sunset Surf Book 2) by Dani Lakely
First I’ve heard of this but it sounds good.