Book Review: Cascade Failure (Ambit’s Run Book 1) by L.M. Sagas [Audiobook]

Labeled a deserter years ago, Jal is on a space station hoping to join a crew for a ride home, but he ends up on the ship of the man who used to be his closest friend. Things are tense between them, but the crew has bigger problems when they answer a distress call and learn about something that will cause mass death if they don't stop it.

Book Cover - Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas
Title: Cascade Failure
Book Number: Book 1
Pages: 412
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


*I received an audio copy of this book. This has not influenced my review.*

“I’m only 8% into Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas, but I’m already so invested in these characters 🥺”

That’s what I posted online when I started this book, and I’m so happy to say my enjoyment lasted all the way through! I loved this!

Truly, these characters captured me and pulled on my heartstrings right from the start. Especially Jal, who was clearly struggling and tired in a bone-deep way and alone and had to practice the few words he was going to say just to try and get a ride. But also Saint, who was sorta hard to like at first because of reasons but whom I still couldn’t help but feel for because he’d clearly been hurt too and just hid it behind his gruff demeanor. And Nash, who was much easier to like because she had no qualms about putting Saint in his place, not to mention she was brave and skilled and there was this moment when she thought about how she wasn’t a “sunshine” person, and yes, I could relate. And Eoan, the ship’s AI who loved to learn and figure things out and was still continually figuring out what it meant to be human. And Anke, the person they rescued who was awkward and rambly and smart and didn’t feel very badass, though I think she was.

Altogether, this crew made for a cute found family who all cared for each other deeply. It was touching.

Furthermore, I am WEAK for angsty, fraught relationships between people who have history, who were close but then something went wrong but they obviously still love or feel something for each other. And the relationship between Jal and Saint was 100% this. I don’t know exactly what it was between them in the past (romantic, platonic), but it was clearly deep and meaningful and love. They were partners, whatever that meant to them. Until they weren’t. *Gives one of them the side eye* I loved them and their relationship though. I very much wanted them to sort their problems out and be happy together.

There’s also just a casual queerness to the story. Whatever was/is between Jal and Saint may or may not be romantic, but it feels like it’s not bound by any norms. Nash was clearly crushing on Anke. Eoan is an AI, yes, but still, they use they/them pronouns.

The plot was rather serious and tense, which may not be exactly what people expect from the cover and all the talk of found family and space adventures and whatnot. But the characters brought some fun to the story, so don’t worry. The author did a great job of balancing the serious and the fun. Also balancing the sad and distressing with the sweet and hopeful.

The audiobook narration by Torian Brackett was wonderful as well! Every character sounded sufficiently different, and the voices and ways of speaking seemed to suit them. Jal with his slow drawl. Saint with his gruffness. Nash with her matter-of-factness. Anke with her excited rambling. Eoan with their pleasant customer service tone. And it always sounded natural, suited the scene and the moment and the words. I very much recommend the audiobook.

This was a wonderful book with characters who immediately had me invested in them, found family, a relationship full of emotional history, and dangerous space adventures, and I’m very much looking forward to more!

*Rating: 4.5 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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Talk to me!

Have you read Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas?
Do you like angsty relationships between characters who have history and things to work out as much as I do?


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8 thoughts on “Book Review: Cascade Failure (Ambit’s Run Book 1) by L.M. Sagas [Audiobook]

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  1. Lola

    This one sounds really good! I love the found family trope and the character all sound very well written. Not always a fan of those angsty relationships, but it all depends on how it’s written. The casual queerness sounds well done and I like how the AI uses they/ them pronouns. This one does sound a bit too tense for my current mood, but I like how it’s balanced by more fun parts. I’ll keep this one in mind. Greta review!

    1. Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

      The characters were so great! It’s taken me so long to reply to this that the next book is coming out soon lol, and I’m excited. Understandable if you’re not in the right mood for angst. It’s a great book though, if you ever are!

  2. Roberta R.

    “The author did a great job of balancing the serious and the fun. Also balancing the sad and distressing with the sweet and hopeful.”
    That’s the stuff of which some of the best books are made 🙂 (plus found family!).