Book Review: Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton [Audiobook]

Abaddon is terrible at being a devil and hasn't met his soul acquisition quota, so he heads to Earth and finds the brightest soul he's ever seen, one that's sure to fill his quota---a religiously devout musician named Seth. But the more time he spends around Seth and his unusual abilities, the more conflicted he feels about damning him to Hell, even though letting him go could mean losing him forever.

Book Review: Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton
Title: Damned If You Do
Pages: 172
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this. A short romance between a devout, blind musician and the devil trying to get his soul could really go either way. Fortunately, this delivered on the premise and turned out to be a great story with interesting elements that brought some unexpected twists and all the emotional conflict promised in the description.

Abaddon was a terrible devil—and by that I mean, he was terrible at being a devil because he never liked taking people’s souls. Seth was a self-sacrificing sweetheart whom I couldn’t help but like. As I learned more and their situation got more complicated, I felt for both of them. Their attraction and romance had a good build up, and I believed and felt their feelings for each other, despite only knowing each other for a couple weeks.

I like reading about religious characters and books that combine religion with supernatural/paranormal beings, so I enjoyed that as well. But don’t worry, the book isn’t preachy or trying to hit anyone over the head with religion, it’s just part of who Seth is and what he does. Also, I didn’t read the description super well, so the snake stuff was unexpected but interesting.

The use of blindness was, however, was questionable. I’m not blind, so I don’t know if it was portrayed well or not. But what I do know (or what it seemed to me) is that it was used as a plot device since *SPOILER* Seth’s sight was taken away and then given back by another character for *reasons*, even though the author probably could’ve found another way to make that work. So maybe the blindness was realistic while it was present, but the story included the “disability having a reason behind it” and “miracle cure” tropes. *END SPOILER* As usual, I’m not here to tell anyone what they can or can’t enjoy, just to let readers know what they’re getting. I debated lowering my rating since, if it were my disability used this way, I might be upset, but I decided to rate the book based on everything else.

I listened to the audiobook for this, and I thought it was great. John Solo made all the characters sound different without making any of them sounding cartoony or unrealistic. His narration and dialogue sounded natural. He did the emotional parts well. No complaints.

Overall, I really enjoyed this, questionable use of disability aside. There were some unexpected elements, the characters were likeable and made me feel for them, and the romance was sweet!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: Audiobook*


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4 thoughts on “Book Review: Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton [Audiobook]

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  1. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    I think my reservations after reading what this book was about matches the ones you had when you first started. I’m glad to see you enjoyed it. It is annoying to hear that the blindness has a miracle cure because really?