Book Review: Dark Awakening (Dark Destinies Prequel) by S.K. Ryder

When Dominic saves his sister from her attackers, he doesn't know it will attract the attention of a very old and very powerful vampire and lead to him becoming a vampire himself. Becoming a vampire is a nightmare for Dominic, and he wants nothing more than to escape his mentor and find a way to end his vampiric existence.

Book Cover: Dark Awakening by S.K. Ryder
Title: Dark Awakening
Book Number: Prequel
Pages: 131
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has not influenced my review.*

I love prequels because they usually let you get to know a character more and understand them better, and that’s exactly what this one did.

I already felt terrible for Dominic from what I knew of his past, but this prequel really fleshed out his experience with being turned into a vampire and showed the reader the horror of it. From reading the series, I knew that Dominic was an emotional person who held his relationships in life very near and dear to his heart. This novella really showed how much he loved life and family and friends. So to see it all so violently ripped away from him… it’s different knowing a thing about a character’s past vs. reading the firsthand account of the thing. I’ll admit I thought Dominic was a bit cliche in the first book of the series, but now I get it. I understand Dominic’s thoughts and feelings and actions a lot more now.

I also felt this one showed the reader a little more about the vampires in general, what they can do, what it’s like for newly turned vampires, etc.

Anyway, this prequel novella doesn’t really add any new information to the story, but it’s well-written and does a great job of showing Dominic’s past and letting you understand him even more, so if you’re interested in that, give it a read!


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Talk to me!

Have you read Dark Awakening by S.K. Ryder?
Do you like prequels that let you get to know a character better?


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16 thoughts on “Book Review: Dark Awakening (Dark Destinies Prequel) by S.K. Ryder

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  1. Flora

    Hi Kristen, great review. I love prequels. I haven’t read this series, will it hurt to read this prequel first? Sometimes an author wants the reader to come into a story without any preconceived ideas but I sometime find that it’s a great way to get a feel of an author’s style before committing to a full length novel.

  2. Daniela Ark

    I love prequels too. They usually explain all the world and plot mysteries that were driving me crazy! 🙂 Turned into a vampire backstories are one of my fav!

  3. Olivia Roach

    I do love when prequels happen and make us better able to understand either the villain or some other vital character in a story. I am glad you were able to enjoy this one! And it’s nice that you were able to really see the horror of turning into a vampire and how much it completely changed his life… many authors skim over that rather than go into detail.