*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has not influenced my review.*
This was another gripping, action-packed book full of pure urban fantasy goodness! And when I say action-packed, I do mean action-packed. But sometimes a good fast-paced book with an inordinate amount of explosions is just what you need 😉
Poor Cal. The man can never catch a break. This time he was on his way to Omsk, still reeling from the events of the last book, when his trip got waylayed in Moscow due to a snowstorm. And of course he ended up embroiled in more supernatural trouble. So there was none of the usual DSI team this time, and still no Cooper, but Cal thankfully did get help from his unexpected allies, the vampires! That’s right, Lucian and Foley are back, and I was glad for that because I didn’t want to see Cal having to deal with everyone entirely on his own. Plus, I just like Lucian and Foley, despite Cal’s history with Lucian. Another favorite character of mine in the series also showed up for a brief moment. And of course Cal himself was great, as he always is. Struggling emotionally, but still kicking butt and trying to keep the world safe.
Even more exciting was that Cal’s father was finally revealed! I won’t say anything more than that though, because spoilers. It’s nice to finally have that answer though.
Anyway, this was another great book in the series. I’m attached to these characters, the plot keeps building up with each book, mysteries are being revealed, and I want to know what’s going to happen next!
Recommended For:
Fans of Books 1-6 in Clara Coulson's City of Crows Series. Anyone who likes action-packed urban fantasy, supernatural creatures, a hilariously snarky but also realistic and compassionate protag, and touching friendships/team dynamics.
More Books in the Series:
Book Review: Soul Breaker (City of Crows Book 1) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Shade Chaser (City of Crows Book 2) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Wraith Hunter (City of Crows Book 3) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Doom Sayer (City of Crows Book 4) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Day Killer (City of Crows Book 5) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Spell Caster (City of Crows Book 6) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Dawn Slayer (City of Crows Book 7) by Clara Coulson
Book Review: Storm Master (City of Crows Book 8) by Clara Coulson
Its great that after 7 books this is still strong. Also I’m impressed that you’re still reading it! I often get bored or completely forget about continuing with a series and then suddenly it’s on book 13 and I’m like, what happened??!
It is great to find a series that continues to keep you invested after so many books! Luckily I don’t have to keep track of this series since I’m on the review team and get emails that tell me when the next book is coming out, haha.
Ooh urban fantasy in Moscow! And snow! I don’t know that I’ve read any UF set in a snowstorm, but it sounds great.
“inordinate amount of explosions” 🙂
Lots of snow, and lots of explosions lol.
I completely agree about action-packed books. Sometimes those just really hit the spot for me.
They’re so great when I’m distracted by real life stress because they really suck me in!
glad you are enjoying this one so much 😀 and it does sound like the world and plot building is just getting better and better, I’m always for it.
Thanks! It’s a great series!
First that cover – damn! And that premise sounds, like you said — so much urban fantasy goodness!
This whole series is urban fantasy at its finest!
This must have been the action packed book you mentioned on my blog lol
Glad you’re still loving the series this many books in.
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
Yes lol. Thanks!
I need a good urban fantasy in my reading life. Glad the series is going well for you! 🙂
This is a great series if you’re looking for one! Thanks 🙂
Okay, it just ate my comment. So I will do it again xD I said that I really love books filled with action as sometimes it’s nice to mix it up as I’m mostly a character driven reader. I also said poor Cal. I feel like I have some idea of all the struggles he goes through just from your previous reviews of the previous books 😛 And yay for a plot reveal!
Oh no, I hate when that happens! I’m mostly character-driven too, but this series has tons of action plus one of my favorite main characters 🙂 And action-packed books are super gripping, which is what I need sometimes. Oh yes, Cal is always going through some shit lol.