Book Review: Deadbeat Druid (Adam Binder Book 3) by David R. Slayton [Audiobook]

Vic has disappeared into another realm, and Adam is going to get him back, along with whoever decides they're coming with, despite Adam's protests. But the druid is there too, and it will be a dangerous journey for everyone involved.

Book Cover - Deadbeat Druid by David R. Slayton
Title: Deadbeat Druid
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 323
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


This was a nice ending to a great series. Everyone working together. Characters learning and growing. People who did some terrible things trying to make up for them. Relationships solidifying. And just a really nice feeling at the end.

I liked the message that it’s ok to not forgive people. Even if you have complicated feelings toward them. Even if you can understand why they did what they did. Even if they faced hardships too. Even if they’re sorry. Also the message that it’s possible to let go and move on without forgiving someone. There were some characters Adam could not and would not forgive, but there were others he did. And his feelings about all these people who’d hurt him and others were complicated. And all of that was ok.

This author did a great job with complicated feelings overall. There were a lot of complex relationships in this book, especially with family. That was the shining feature of this series, in my opinion. They weren’t easy, they weren’t oversimplified, the people involved weren’t perfect. But just as it was nice to see forgiveness not being forced, it was also nice to see the characters working toward repairing the relationships that were still salvageable, with people who were willing to admit their mistakes and do better.

I was disappointed that Adam and Vic were once again apart for most of the book, it seems like they haven’t had that much page time together throughout this series, but there were a lot of cute moments just about their feelings for each other. Because they were always thinking about each other, trying to rescue and get back to each other. One specific thing that stands out is how not jealous Vic was. You often see jealousy as a trope in books with romance, but he was secure in Adam’s feelings for him, even when Adam’s ex was helping. And when Adam and Vic were together, it was touching and sweet.

There was also all the magic and supernatural stuff. This time including journeys through afterlife realms. A little slow pace-wise, but an interesting take on things.

The audiobook narration by Michael David Axtell was good. As I’ve said before, could maybe use a bit more oomph during action, but still good and natural.

Overall, I’m happy for the characters and their growth and their relationships. I enjoyed the magic and supernatural elements throughout the story. And I liked the way this book wrapped everything up, leaving me with a nice warm feeling!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Audiobook*


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