Book Review: Deep Deliverance (Deep Book 3) by Z.A. Maxfield [Audiobook]

Adin and Donte are back at Adin's home in Washington, but they're struggling to adjust to some of the changes in their life and relationship. When Santos suggests an outing to Los Angeles, Adin agrees, not at all realizing the sort of mess he'll end up getting into this time.

Book Review: Deep Deliverance (Deep Book 3) by Z.A. Maxfield
Title: Deep Deliverance
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 264
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


Each book in this series was a little better than the last, and this was a satisfying conclusion with some nice character and relationship growth.

In a way, this series was kinda vampire romance tropey, but it also kinda wasn’t. It wasn’t exactly unique, but it also didn’t feel cliche. At least, I’m easily bothered by a lot of romance tropes, and I never found myself getting bothered by things in this series. So either the tropes weren’t there, or they were written in a way that used them well.

I liked that we got to learn more about vampires in this one, both what they can do and also their society. It’s interesting how they can kind of push emotions and even physical feelings into a human’s mind, in order to calm them, give them pleasure while feeding, etc. I also found the intimacy and emotional connection of feeding from a human to be interesting and different from other vampire books I’ve read. *SPOILER (for the previous books)* Or, at least, Adin’s experience with it, since he felt the connection so profoundly. *END SPOILER* The way they could call humans to them after feeding from them was cool too.

*SPOILER (for the previous books)* Adin went through a very “Louis” phase in this book in which he was depressed and perhaps a touch melodramatic, refused to drink anything but animal blood, and both hated and loved his sire, but I liked the emotional turmoil of Adin adjusting to vampirism. I appreciate when authors acknowledge the darker aspects of being a vampire and how they would emotionally affect anyone who was recently turned and who still has all the emotions and empathy of a human. *END SPOILER* And in the end, Adin had a lot of character growth. I appreciated the emotional turmoil and character growth in this book.

There also seemed to be more tenderness in the relationship between Adin and Donte, which was nice. And although I was surprised to suddenly get Donte’s POV in the final book, I kind of enjoyed seeing some of how Donte felt about Adin, how he saw him.

There were non-romance plotlines in this as well. And all the necessary family, friend, and relationship loose ends were tied up nicely.

The audiobook narration by Caleb Dickinson was the same as it was in the other books. He sounded natural enough, and it was usually easy to tell character apart.

Overall, I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this series when I started since I’ve gotten kinda worn out on the usual vampire romance tropes, but, although it wasn’t a stand-out for me, I ended up enjoying it! It had vampires, romance, emotional turmoil, some nice friend and family moments, lots of supernatural creatures, and ultimately a happy ending.

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2020 // Format: Audiobook*


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Talk to me!

Have you read Deep Deliverance by Z.A. Maxfield?
How do you feel about POVs being added into later books in a series?


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2 thoughts on “Book Review: Deep Deliverance (Deep Book 3) by Z.A. Maxfield [Audiobook]

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  1. Greg

    I don’t want to say too much about the one spoiler but just that I like it too when the emotional turmoil part is examined. That’s always an interesting element for me when dealing with creatures. Glad this one worked for you, sounds like it was a pretty satisfying conclusion!