🌟One of my faves!🌟
Back in NY, Jasper is still struggling with the trauma of what he's been through recently and feeling even worse because it's affecting his relationship with Crimson. But Crimson's family is in town, as well as a new stranger who may have answers about Jasper, and there's always some new trouble and danger the pair have to deal with.
*I received an ecopy of this book from the authors. This has not influenced my review.*
This has become one of my favorite series, and it was so easy to sink right back into the lives of these characters I love.
This one seemed so much sadder in tone than the others. Jasper was really struggling with the emotional trauma of everything, and I felt so bad for him. His thoughts and feelings and fears were realistic, and I like when trauma is acknowledged in books, when characters sometimes can’t just shrug things off. I don’t think Crimson quite understood why Jasper was struggling, he just felt like Jasper was unhappy with him, and I felt for him too. They still loved each other, but it affected their relationship, they no longer had the same easiness and sweetness together.
A little less sad, one of my favorite things about this one was getting to meet Zahir and the spider, as their own entities! That was cool. And I loved the comfort and attraction that Jasper felt with both, since they’re both part of Crimson.
Retribution also had a significant part of the story, being a POV character again. He’s such a jerk! But the authors have done a good job of making him interesting and still making me care about what happens to him.
The story itself was just as good. Still a lot of danger and action, as per usual, though some of it had a twist that made it a bit more surreal and, let’s say, introspective for the characters. *MILD SPOILER* Part of the book took place in a dream world in Crimson’s mind. It was still really happening, the characters were in danger, but it was based a lot on Crimson’s thoughts and feelings and memories. *END SPOILER*
But $^*%#&$*@^&! The ending has me worried, and I really need to know what’s going to happen in the next book.
Overall, another amazing book that sucked me in!
Recommended For:
Fans of Books 1-3 in E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright's The Hunter and the Spider series. Anyone who likes slow burn mlm romance with a bit of angst, good ol' urban fantasy action, complex characters, love interests who are equal parts charming and obnoxious, and scary but cute werespiders!
More Books in the Series:
Book Review: Dream On (The Hunter and the Spider Book 4) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright
Book Review: Wish You Were Here (The Hunter and the Spider Book 5) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright
Book Review: Bad Romance (The Hunter and the Spider Book 6) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright
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There was an issue with my host, and it has been sorted, though I am switching hosts now so there may be more downtime in the next day or two. Thanks for letting me know though!