Book Review: Friends in Low Places (The Hunter and the Spider Book 2) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

Jasper is back with the hunters in order to keep Crimson (werespider) and his new friends safe, but Jasper has difficulty balancing being a hunter with his new understanding that not all demons are bad. Meanwhile, there's a murderous vampire pack in town, and things get complicated when Jasper and Crimson both end up in danger because of them.

Book Cover - Friends in Low Places by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright
Title: Friends in Low Places
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 400
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


I have to admit I was disappointed that Jasper and Crimson were apart for so much of this book, I missed their chemistry and growing relationship, but this was still a great, well-written book!

I understood the necessity of having the two MCs be separated and, for all intents and purposes, on opposing sides. It caused certain events and built up things that will affect the story in the next book. And it really highlighted the differences between hunters and demons and some of the differences between Jasper and Crimson and their lives, as well as the similarities and the ways in which lines could blur. It provided a lot of context to the overall story and world, a way to view things from multiple perspectives.

This one didn’t have as much romance and sweetness as the first book, but it still had all the action and interesting supernaturals. We got to learn about some different types of demons (what they call supernaturals) and about their ways, since Crimson spent a lot of time around others. And we got to learn more about the hunters, how they work, what their training is like, etc. There were also some new characters introduced, plus some new plot threads.

I felt for both main characters and the struggles they were going through, being miserable in their situations and still wanting each other. I felt worse for Jasper, even if his decisions were frustrating sometimes, because he was doing this all for those he cared about, knowing they probably hated him, and he had the added struggle of feeling trapped and trying to balance pretending to be a good hunter while also not actually killing any innocents.

Overall, I missed the dynamic between Jasper and Crimson while they were apart, but this was still a great story! And now that some things have been set up, I think things will be even more exciting in the next book. Both Jasper and Crimson are interesting, complex characters, their romance has great chemistry, the werespider thing is cool, and I’m looking forward to more!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: eBook*


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4 thoughts on “Book Review: Friends in Low Places (The Hunter and the Spider Book 2) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

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  1. Suz

    I love the cover, and I like the sound of the story. But I don’t think I could bring myself to read about WereSpiders!!!!!
    Run for the hills.

    1. Kristen

      I love the cover too. I also am scared of spiders, but he’s a cute/sexy werespider! 😛 Actually he doesn’t spend much time in that form, and I can imagine it less scary in my head lol.