Book Review: Labyrinth by Alex Beecroft

Kikeru is out on the beach one day when he gets assaulted by two Greeks and Rusa comes to his rescue. Kikeru is supposed to decide whether he wants to be a husband with a wife and family or a celibate priestess, but he doesn't feel like he fits into either position or gender and simply wants to be with Rusa. Before he can figure that situation out though, Kikeru, Kikeru's mother, Rusa, and Rusa's daughter will have to figure out how to avoid a war with the Greeks.

Title: Labyrinth
Pages: 130
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has in no way influenced my review.*

This was a very quick, light read. It was a nice, positive story about a genderqueer/non-binary character (no specific term was used, but he didn’t feel like a man, and he didn’t feel like a woman, he was simply both). Not everyone in the world was accepting, but those closest to Kikeru were, and Kikeru, after a bit of struggle to figure things out, was accepting of himself.

There was also romance, but that too was light with only one brief intimate scene that was on-screen but not too explicit.

Because the book was so short though, the plot was uncomplicated, the problems they ran into were solved easily, the romance was instalove-y, and the characters didn’t have much depth. I also had a hard time trying to understand the way their society worked with the priestesses and daemons and whatnot since some things weren’t really explained or explored.

Overall it was entertaining and enjoyable as a quick, light read, I do recommend it if that’s what you’re in the mood for, but it had potential for more and I think I would’ve enjoyed it more had it been longer and less rushed and explored things more in depth.


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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Labyrinth by Alex Beecroft

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  1. Lola

    Sounds like a good read with an LBGT positive message, even though it was a bit short. Those kind of stories are great for when you’re in the mood for a short light read. I usually enjoy those short reads when well written, although sometimes they can feel rushed or lack depth because od the length, but some authors write the shorter format very well. The mythology aspect and how he has to figure things out does sound interesting. Great review!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, there definitely are times when a short, light read is exactly what you need. But you’re right that sometimes it works better than others. I think maybe there was just a little too much in this one? That’s why I think it would’ve been better longer, it could’ve explored the mythology more, but it was still enjoyable regardless. Thanks!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I agree, there are so few books are genderfluid/nonbinary MCs, probably even less in sci-fi/fantasy, so it was nice that this book included it. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the review!