*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. This has not influenced my review.*
Before I even start this review, I need to admit that I’m not a werewolf fan. I’m also not a fan of series that change main characters in each book. I only read this because the vampires I enjoyed reading about in Book 1 will be back in Book 3, and this book, despite being about different main characters, was an important part of the overall story. So take my review with a grain of salt, especially if you are a fan of those things.
Ok, so, here was my first issue: I thought these characters were terrible people. I mean, maybe that was the point—they’re NOT people, so they have different morals. But take the vampires in this series, for example. Yes, they kill, but they don’t terrorize their food before doing so. They find someone, lure them outside, then drain them. And as far as murder goes, that seems like a rather humane method. These werewolves though? They kidnap innocent humans before every full moon, keep them in the stables at the pack’s farmhouse for days, then release them (the humans) as they (the weres) are shifting so that they can chase down the humans and savagely tear them apart because it’s fun. That was how the book started. And maybe it’s just the lack of werewolf experience talking, but it tainted my opinion of them right from the start. I’m sure readers who like their werewolves portrayed as less human-like will appreciate that though.
Moving onto the individual characters… Much like the first book, this one had three POVs, and I’m not sure who the protagonist was or if there was one. The blurb makes it sound like Carson will be the protag, but he was hot-headed and manipulative and caused all the problems, so I’m not sure what he was. He was interesting though in the sense that he was like a villain who convinced himself he was a hero. The possible change of heart he had seemed random though. Then there was Kaleb, the pack alpha; he was more level-headed and cared about his pack members. There was also Priya, but she didn’t have much impact on the story. Vince was not a POV character, but he had a big part, and I did feel bad for how he must’ve felt growing up in a pack but turning out human. Spencer (a vampire from Book 1) also had a big part despite not being a POV character this time. These books are so short though, and there have been three different POV characters in each book, so I feel like I don’t know any of the characters as well as I want to, even though some of them seem interesting.
This book did have a more focused plot than the first one though, so that was good.
Overall, this book expanded on the supernatural world the author has created and introduced some new potentially interesting characters and storylines, and I do plan on continuing because I want to read more about the vampires and to find out what happens with the Spencer-August relationship, Vince’s decision, and the overall story.
Recommended For:
Fans of Book 1 in Chele Cooke's Teeth series. Anyone who likes vampires who break tropes, werewolves with a very predatory side, complex characters and relationships, and many POV characters.
More Books in the Series:
Book Review: Teeth: The First Bite (Teeth Book 1) by Chele Cooke
Book Review: Meat: The Second Serving (Teeth Book 2) by Chele Cooke
Book Review: Blood: The Third Course (Teeth Book 3) by Chele Cooke
Werewolves are not my favorite either. I am cheering for the vamps all the way! (though i might be a bit biased because of Uncle Dracula 😉 -which every author ever seems to have never seen his castle when they write about him but lol i digress).
Yay, a fellow vampire lover! Although I do prefer mine a bit sexier than Dracula lol.
I think there’s a good chance that the characters might hack me off a bit if I read this! I like my vampires and werewolves though.
Huh, I’d have pegged you for someone who’d like more vicious werewolves lol.
MEAT?? The Second serving?!? That kills me. I don’t know, I think werewolves should definitely be rough around the edges, but if they’re just evil predators that’s not something I could probably relate to. I’d want a more sympathetic take, you know? So I’m with ya on that. And yeah maybe too many POV’s. The vampires actually sound more interesting.
Haha they’re fun titles. But yeah, I just couldn’t behind the cruelty. Maybe because I feel werewolves are still kinda human? Or maybe because it seemed like they were supposed to be good, likeable characters, vs. characters who are terrible but don’t ever try to be otherwise? The vampires are definitely more interesting to me though!
I can’t decide if the title creeps me out or not knowing how the werewolves treat humans. The bloodthirstiness you described reminds me of some scenes out of the Underworld series and the werewolves there, but even so it does take it to the extreme here. Hm. Lots to think about here.
The title is pretty fun, but yeah I just couldn’t get behind the way the werewolves treated the humans. I don’t remember the Umovies though.
I generally do enjoy werewolf books. But I don’t know about this one… these werewolves sound so horrible and really inhumane. Or maybe that is the point? I can’t figure it out… I was curious to know what you thought of the sequel after having read your review of book one. Although it does sound like the plot was a bit more certain, I don’t think this series is one for me :/
I don’t know, I guess that was the point, but it was just too far for me. Still crossing my fingers that the third book will be better though since it will have more vampires!
Sounds like the author gave them more animalistic instincts when it comes to their prey. Werewolves aren’t exactly my favorite either. Hope the next book is better since it’s vampires. ?
She definitely gave them more animalistic instincts in that regard. Thanks!