Book Review: Otherworldly by F.T. Lukens

Knox is a familiar, a liminal being sent to help when deals are made, but when his latest contract ends, he's not ready to go back to the Other World. When Ellery finds the hot weird guy who sometimes comes into the diner running from attackers one night, they step in to help and end up mixed up in the supernatural, despite all their skepticism.

Book Cover - Otherwordly by FT Lukens
Title: Otherworldly
Pages: 349
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This has not influenced my review.*

This author really knows how to write cute teen romances with a touch of magic that make me say awwwww 🥺

This was very sweet, and I did indeed say awwwww multiple times! I felt for both Knox and Ellery individually. Knox felt abandoned and alone and just wanted a chance to stay in our realm longer and experience human things. Ellery was a normal human with human problems, struggling with having to grow up faster because of circumstances but still trying to help their parents through the never-ending winter plaguing their part of the world. And together, Knox and Ellery had such cute moments and feelings.

There was also really sweet family and friendship in the story. Ellery lives with their cousin and cousin’s partner, both of whom are kind and supportive of Ellery, and of Knox once he came into the picture. There were a couple other characters who ended up helping as well, even if some did so a little more begrudgingly than the others. But I liked them all, even the one I was maybe not supposed to 😅

The queer rep was lovely! And so casual, never questioned or explained. Ellery uses they/them pronouns (potentially nonbinary, but no label is stated). Ellery’s cousin and partner are a f/f couple.

The supernatural elements of the story were fun with a mix of ideas from different magical things, afterlife beliefs, etc. that made it feel unique. A familiar, but not the kind you’re used to seeing; a liminal being who provides magical assistance and moves between worlds but forgets his time on Earth each time he goes back. Creepy shades who make deals at crossroads. An afterlife realm with lots of Greek myth inspiration, some scary creatures, and a queen. A few other supernaturals sprinkled throughout.

The story had some intense, action-filled moments, but overall it had a pretty light and chill vibe.

Also, I just have to mention what a gorgeous cover it has! Not only is the cover art beautiful, there are more characters on the back, the colors are so deep and vibrant (my photos don’t do it justice), and it’s shiny which looks so cool when the light hits it (the hardcover version).

Overall, this had supernaturals, some intense scenes but mostly chill vibes, and, most of all, cute friendship and romance that made me smile!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: ebook via TTS / hardcover*

Photo of Otherworldly by FT Lukens. Cover art is two teens sort of falling into each other and looking like they're maybe about to kiss, in a snowy setting. The supernatural has a glowing yellow eye and is wearing short-sleeves, unbothered by the cold. The human is bundled up. The people are colored with lots of pink and purple, the background with white and blue.Photo of Otherworldly by FT Lukens, but tilted so the light hits it more directly, making it shine.Photo of the back of Otherworldly by FT Lukens. Color scheme matches the front, but the art shows three people waiting together, leaning on a fence and a raven in the air.Photo of the spine of Otherworldly by FT Lukens. Deep blue background with white text, and a little image of the characters from the cover near the bottom.


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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Otherworldly by F.T. Lukens

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  1. Lola

    This one sounds so good! I already have it on my wishlist, just have to decide whether to get it on ebook or audio and waiting on release day. It sounds very sweet with well done queer rep and I like the sound of the supernatural elements too.

  2. Roberta R.

    It’s difficult to come up with a fresh take on the afterlife and to put a spin on supernatural beings…this one sounds promising! Not to mention the casual queer rep.