Book Review: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 3) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

Matheus thought getting Quin back would fix everything, but now he has even more problems. Between Apollonia's attempts to take down Matheus's group, Carsten going completely crazy in his quest to eradicate all vampires, Fletcher's concern that her unborn baby is in danger, Alistair's heartbreak, Quin's amnesia, and all the pressure of being a leader and feeling responsible for everyone, Matheus is overwhelmed and worried he won't be able to keep everyone he cares about safe.

Book Review: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners (Real Vampires Don't Sparkle Book 3) by Amy Fecteau | reading, books, book reviews, fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, lgbt, m/m, vampires
Title: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 411
My Rating: 5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book from the publisher. This has not influenced my review.*

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that sucked me in so much that I kinda forgot real life existed until I finished and looked up in a daze, but that’s what this book did. And I’m surprised at how sad I am to say goodbye to these characters!

I have developed a total soft spot for Matheus, Quin, and Alistair. They’re all such great, complex characters, and I love them. I also feel oddly proud of them for how much they all have grown. Matheus matured and became not only a leader but also his own person rather than someone whose decisions were all influenced by his father. Quin learned how to open up a bit and trust Matheus and take a backseat sometimes. And Alistair grew a backbone and learned to stand on his own.

This book still had a lot of silliness, sarcasm, and humor, but it also had more emotion, heaviness, and darkness than the others, and to tell you the truth, it’s those emotional parts that stood out the most to me. I felt terrible for Alistair. The poor man was already struggling with the whole immortality thing (i.e. he’s outlived every human he’s known), and then *SPOILER* it’s like every man he has feelings for ends up leaving him, in some way or another. And probably the scene that affected me the most was when Alistair was begging and pressuring Matheus to have sex with him, and then, when Matheus complied and was kissing his way down Alistair’s body, Alistair just started sobbing and told Matheus to keep going. It was just heartbreaking because it was so painfully clear that Alistair was not ok. *END SPOILER* I also felt terrible for Matheus. He was struggling with a lot since he was under so much pressure and felt guilty and stressed and worried about a lot of things, and then the things he went through… I don’t know how he didn’t break. *SPOILER* Ugh, that scene when Matheus was being tortured and finally just couldn’t take it and started begging his dad in German. He knew his dad was a delusional, insane SOB, but he just started begging… And his dad, being the way he was, seemed to truly believe that this wasn’t Matheus, that this was some demon wearing his skin, and so he couldn’t handle it speaking to him like Matheus, looking at him with Matheus’s eyes… *END SPOILER* If he didn’t have any mental illnesses before this series started, he probably does now (he seemed to have PTSD and panic attacks by the end). Even Quin had some struggles, though his were more toward the beginning when he was struggling with amnesia and felt like he was going insane. Not to mention the physical scars (not badass or pretty ones) that will always remind these characters of this horrible time. So yeah. Even though characters and interactions in this series were often exaggerated a bit for the sake of humor, the emotional and intense scenes stayed realistic and well-written with a lot of nuanced, complex emotion.

“Alistair’s survived a lot. It makes you hard.”

Or you get brittle. Too many cracks, patches hastily slapped on. Alistair had a lot of cracks. Matheus didn’t know if Alistair had enough mortar to fix them all.

Buuuut, on a less heavy note, this book also had more sexy bits than the previous two. It was more explicit, and it even had some BDSM. Matheus really does have a kinky side 😉

Speaking of the romance, we finally got an explanation in this book for why Quin turned and claimed Matheus! And it only added to the swoon-factor of the original Sunshine nickname explanation.

“Haven’t you ever met someone who stuck in your mind? Someone you couldn’t shake loose? Someone who glowed so brightly, you thought you’d never miss the sun again?”

Also, I think Matheus has been taking how-to-be-terrifying lessons from Quin because I definitely got a total Quin vibe when he was screwing with the guards near the end.

One last thing, please please PLEASE do not let that cover scare you off. I mean no offense to the publisher, but the cover looks very “typical angsty teenage vampire romance,” doesn’t match the book AT ALL, and looks nothing like the covers for the previous books.

I first read this series in ebook form, but I’ve also listened to the audiobooks, and my thoughts on the audio narration for the whole series can be found in my review for the first book. (I had mixed feelings.)

Seriously though, this whole series has been a fantastic combination of sarcastic humor mixed with darker intensity and complex emotion, and this was a great ending that wrapped up all the important loose ends without going overboard or being too perfect. These characters went through some tough stuff, they were bound to be affected by it, some people were bound to die, but there was growth and friendship and love and happiness too. Overall, I was sucked in by all the books in this series, it’s one of my all-time favorites and only gets better with rereads, and these characters have a special place in my heart!

*I’ve read this book multiple times. This review was written after my 1st read, slightly updated after my 2nd read.*

Reread Ratings:
4.5 Stars (1st Read – 2017)
5 Stars (2nd Read – 2020)


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12 thoughts on “Book Review: Real Vampires Take No Prisoners (Real Vampires Don’t Sparkle Book 3) by Amy Fecteau [+ Audiobook]

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    1. Kristen Burns

      I really don’t know what happened with the cover, but sometimes books don’t match their covers, and that’s exactly why reviews are so important! And I really enjoyed this series, so I recommend it!

  1. Greg

    Matheus does seem like he has a lot going on in this one! I remember these characters from your earlier reviews. The Sunshine quote is nice, and glad this had a good ending that wasn’t too perfect. Sounds intense too! Too bad they screwed up the cover, hopefully readers will look past that if they already know the series…

    1. Kristen Burns

      The best Sunshine quote is actually in the first book, but I didn’t share that one. I just adore the nickname though! This one did end up being pretty intense. I’m guessing you read the spoilers, so you can imagine. I just really don’t understand the cover thing because it’s not going to draw in the right audience. But yeah, I’m sure anyone who’s already started the series will still be interested!

  2. Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium

    “Someone who glowed so brightly, you thought you’d never miss the sun again?”” tell me you are kidding K!!! I though this was about vampires that didn’t sparkle or any of its synonyms!!! 😉 You have got me very interested in this series though because of the dark humor. I’m always a sucker for that. I’ll wear sunglasses I guess [rolling eyes]

    1. Kristen Burns

      Shhhh, calm down, *cradles you in my arms and gently rocks you*, it’s ok, it’s gonna be ok. And come on, tell me that quote is not totally swoon-worthy!

  3. Savanah | Off-Color Literature

    This sounds awesome! Which really surprises me, because I am not into the whole vampire thing. But I may have to start with the first one of these!

    I’m so glad you did the review, because I would never have picked these up 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yay, I’m glad you commented since this review hasn’t gotten much attention, but it really was a good series! And these aren’t quite as trope-y as some vampire books, so maybe you’ll like them despite not being into the vampire thing 🙂

  4. Olivia Roach

    I LOVE WHEN A BOOK MAKES YOU FORGET REAL LIFE EXISTS. Those are the absolute best. I’ve been reading through Santino Hassell’s new adult books and they totally give me my fix. I literally stay up all night and ignore all responsibility. I had to read this book review because of the series title made me laugh like crazy 😀

  5. Lola

    It’s great when a book grabs you like that that you forget about everything going on around you. It’s always hard to say goodbye to characters you’ve grown fond of. It sounds like there’s a lot going on in this book and that’s nice it also had some good emotional parts.

    I wonder why they changed the cover for this book. the first two look so dark and mysterious, while this one has an angsty teenage vibe indeed.

    I kinda like the too perfect endings at times, but I can also appreciate when an author can write a good ending realistic ending without going overboard.

    1. Kristen Burns

      It’s the best when a book grabs you like that! Yeah, sometimes I’m ready for a series to be over, but sometimes I’m not, I guess. I don’t know, I still miss these characters!

      I don’t know why they changed the cover either. The first two match the series so much better.

      I like when endings are good but still realistic, so this was a good one for me.