Book Review: Resurrection Reprise (Soulbound Universe) by Hailey Turner [Audiobook]

Spencer, a necromancer, gets assigned to a case in Seattle and ends up working with master vampire Takoma to keep his cover. But Takoma---dangerous, powerful, competent---is just Spencer's type, even if a relationship could be trouble.

Book Cover - Resurrection Reprise by Hailey Turner
Title: Resurrection Reprise
Book Number: Book 8(ish)
Pages: 386
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon


This was a great addition to the main series!

I liked Spencer upon meeting him in the main series. I think he’s interesting, and I’m entertained by his attraction to dangerous, sometimes criminal vampires.

Takoma was a fairly standard vampire character. Powerful. A bit murderous. Commanding. Confident. Possessive, but not overly so. Protective of those he cares about. I liked him, but still, fairly standard.

I enjoyed the romance. I felt their connection, I believed their feelings, and their sexual connection was HOT. The sex was the kind of dominant commanding thing I don’t always like, but it was just written really well here. Spencer loved it, and I felt that.

Also, the vampire biting? *chef’s kiss* This author must be a real bonafide vampire lover herself because she gets it. She gets it that the biting can be the sex. It’s just as hot. The biting was pleasure and pain and just so good.

I’ll be honest, I zoned out some with the government case stuff because I was distracted by real life and I always struggle with that sort of stuff in books regardless, but I had no trouble understanding the necessary stuff.

This is a separate story from the main series, a sort of standalone, however I do think you’ll be confused about some things if you haven’t read the other books. Like the government agencies, past events being referred to, how the magic works in this world, and a few characters. But if you don’t mind and just want sexy vampire *shrug*

The audiobook narration by Gary Furlong was great! In the couple audiobooks I listened to for the main series, I felt like he sounded a bit flat and always wondered if that was a purposeful choice for Patrick’s character. Now I’m thinking it was, because Spencer sounded livelier to me. Or maybe I’ve just forgotten because it’s been a while. Regardless, I really liked this audiobook. It sounded natural, it captured the characters well, characters sounded different enough, and it was enjoyable to listen to.

Overall, a solid 4-star book for me that I really enjoyed with fun characters, hot sex, and even hotter vampire biting!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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Do you like extra books in a series that are about side characters?


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6 thoughts on “Book Review: Resurrection Reprise (Soulbound Universe) by Hailey Turner [Audiobook]

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  1. Lola

    Glad to hear this was a good side story in this series and had some good vampire biting scenes. Good to hear the narrator was a good fit.

    Oh I wanted to mention that I am currently playing I was a Teenage Exocolonist. I remember you mentioned you played the game. I am enjoying it so far, although it can get quite dark at times.

  2. Karen

    I struggle with anything procedural in books but if I’m connected to the characters I can overlook it. I’m glad this was the kind of vampire story you enjoy!