Book Review: Rites of Winter (Inheritance Book 6) by A.K. Faulkner

Laurence and Quentin are spending a few days in New York on their way home when Quentin gets taken to the Otherworld. While Quentin makes a deal with a god, Laurence enlists the help of some new friends (a necromancer and a child of Arawn) to help him get Quentin back.

Book Cover - Rites of Winter by A.K. Faulkner
Title: Rites of Winter
Book Number: Book 6
Pages: 390
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon


*I received an ecopy of this book via Lucy Turns Pages. This has not influenced my review.*

Another great book!

The major arc of the first five books has somewhat come to a close, and this book sort of felt like a bit of a break. Not really for Laurence and Quentin since they still had to deal with a bunch of awful stuff, but the plot felt sort of self-contained, a chance to let some things settle before rushing too quickly into the next overarching thing. It brought some new characters/allies into Laurence and Quentin’s life, let the two of them grow a bit as they learned more about themselves, and helped their relationship grow stronger.

This one also felt like maybe the most action-packed book in the series yet. It didn’t have the same frantic sort of energy and fast pace of the previous book, just lots of battles, small and big, but with magic and powers and nightmare armor and fae and dead souls and whatnot to keep it interesting.

There were some touching moments too, both romance and family. Both main characters have really been through some stuff, and dealing with the trauma of it isn’t easy, but they have each other and others who love them.

I feel like Quentin has gotten more badass, though he wouldn’t see it that way. But the way he handled his whole situation, especially upon arriving at the castle, was so smooth and confident!

New characters Basil and John were fun and sweet, and I’d love to see more of them in future books.

We got to see more of the Otherworld—this time the land of the dead, which was interesting.

Overall, this was another great book in the series, Laurence and Quentin are great characters with a sweet (and sexy) relationship, and if you enjoyed the previous books, I think you’ll enjoy this too!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2022 // Format: Ebook via TTS*


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8 thoughts on “Book Review: Rites of Winter (Inheritance Book 6) by A.K. Faulkner

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  1. Roberta R.

    Wow, there are 2 more books scheduled already? And here I thought only McGuire wrote series with so huge a book count 😂 (kidding – the Anita Blake saga, which a friend of mine is reading, is up to Book 29…).