Book Review: Runes of Fall (Inheritance Book 9) by A.K. Faulkner

Laurence, Quentin, and the teens head out into the desert to practice their psychic gifts without limiting themselves. But things take a bad turn when Mel's dad finds them, and they'll have to push their powers in order to survive.

Book Cover - Runes of Fall by A.K. Faulkner
Title: Runes of Fall
Book Number: Book 9
Pages: 392
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon


I liked how Laurence and Quentin were working together again in this one, and with some of their friends and allies. Some different friends and allies than in the last book, but still, I liked the group dynamics.

This was an emotional one for Laurence, especially. I mean, these characters are continually working through their trauma (something the author really keeps in mind), so that’s always there, but Laurence was extra doing that this time.

Also Quentin was so badass. So powerful.

The past couple books didn’t have sex scenes (I don’t think), but this one did, and hoo boy! It was HOT. I loved the decision to show it from Quentin’s POV, because a lot of sex scenes I’ve read with this sort of power dynamic (one partner is in control and giving the pleasure/punishment and the other is at their mercy and receiving it) show it from the submissive POV. But it was so hot seeing it through Quentin’s perspective, how it felt for him being in control, having someone as powerful and fiery as Laurence give in to him (consensually). Also a great decision to show it from his POV just because of his character and his history and what it’s like for him having these sexual experiences now. And it was still obvious that Laurence loved it too.

There was also some action and lots of use of supernatural abilities, which is always interesting.

Another great book in the series, and I’m looking forward to more!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Ebook via TTS*


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