Book Review: The Archer’s Heart Book 3 by Astrid Amara

Jandu and Keshan have chosen each other above all else, and not even magic, castes, or a coming war is going to change that. But there will be prices to pay, and everyone else involved will have to decide what side they're on and what they're willing to sacrifice.

Book Cover - The Archer's Heart Book 3 by Astrid Amara
Title: The Archer's Heart Book 3
Book Number: Book 3
Pages: 170
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


I realized more and more with each book just how well-written these characters were. Truly fantastic. They had so much depth and complexity. They never felt over the top either. They were imperfect. Some changed for the better. Some changed for the worse. Everything about them and their experiences was followed through on so perfectly by the author.

I’ve already talked about the individual characters in a spoiler-free way in my previous reviews. The only one I didn’t mention was Anant, who also turned out to be interesting and complex (no surprise there) and a great sorta foil for Tarek. They were in such similar situations, but lived with such difference philosophies.

This was just a great story too. Lots of conflict and struggle and emotion for the characters. Nothing too easy or perfect. Lots of action that was really interesting because of all the magic involved. A really cool idea with the magic, how there’s this other realm of beings and the spells the humans use are actually those beings temporarily turning into their other form. Romantic, friend, and family relationships that were beautiful, heartbreaking, and sometimes both. And a very satisfying ending. Bittersweet in some ways, but really well done.

Overall, this was an amazing series!

*Rating: 4.5 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Ebook via TTS*


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2 thoughts on “Book Review: The Archer’s Heart Book 3 by Astrid Amara

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  1. Greg

    “Some changed for the worst” That’s always nice. Not always wine and roses, but characters who make a downward turn maybe. realistic.

    Glad this was good!