Book Review: The Disasters by M. K. England [Audiobook]

A group of teens kicked out of the space academy end up together on a ship when the station they were about to leave is attacked. They flee to a nearby colony and have to work together to try and save the colonies when they uncover a terrorist plot.

Book Cover - The Disasters by M. K. England
Title: The Disasters
Pages: 362
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


This wasn’t as fun as I thought it’d be from the title and tagline, but it wasn’t too heavy either, and I still enjoyed it.

The characters were easy to like, especially Nax. He was always thinking such nice things about all the other people in his motley crew. Just a big flirt full of genuine admiration for everyone. Even if he couldn’t feel that same kind of admiration for himself.

There was also a lot of action, friendship, a hint of romance, diversity among the main characters (Pakistani, Black, other POC that I don’t think were explicitly stated, panic attacks, trans, other queer identities), and some complicated sibling relationships.

The audiobook narration by James Fouhey was good and suited Nax. A couple of the characters had accents, so that helped differentiate who was talking.

Overall, an enjoyable queer YA space story.

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Audiobook*


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4 thoughts on “Book Review: The Disasters by M. K. England [Audiobook]

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  1. Greg

    I remember seeing this around- that cover always jumped out at me for some reason. Glad tohear it’s nice and diverse as well.