Book Review: The Pining by Devon McCormack

Kevin is a recently turned vampire who didn't ask for this life and doesn't want to kill, but his master is going to force him to. When he gets an opportunity to escape his master with the help of some hunters, he takes his chance, falling for one of them as they spend more time together.

Book Cover - The Pining by Devon McCormack
Title: The Pining
Pages: 245
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


The description makes this sound like it’s going to be a dark romance about a newly turned vampire and his master. It was actually a romance between the vampire and a hunter that had some heavier elements but was overall sweet. I also didn’t really feel all that desperate pining the description and title allude to. So, not what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it!

The characters came across as realistic, people who were imperfect and flawed with struggles in life but not necessarily bad. Well, except for Master and Alyssa who were definitely bad, but I found it believable they would end up twisted after so long as vampires, especially after what Alyssa has been through. Kevin (main character) was struggling with being a vampire but not wanting to kill people. Morgan (love interest) was struggling with drug addiction and how the vampire hunting lifestyle was affecting his mental health. Ride was struggling with memories from his past. Even Dax, despite killing people, managed to fall somewhere in a gray area, as far as vampires go.

The romance was sweet, and I liked that we got to see the characters getting to know each other some and having at least one heartfelt convo.

One thing to note: Morgan had what was possibly a lazy eye, or just something wrong with his eyes. Kevin noticed it a lot and, although he eventually became romantically interested in Morgan and did find him attractive, he was also really demeaning about the eye thing sometimes and said/thought things that could be hurtful to some readers.

The other relationships had some complexity to them. Like how Ride basically raised Morgan and cared about him, but he also kinda forced Morgan into a life he didn’t want. And how Kevin didn’t approve of Dax killing people, but he had fun with Dax and cared about him and appreciated how Dax kind of took him under his wing after being turned.

The plot about the vampires and hunters and trying to kill Kevin’s master kept things moving along, kept things interesting, and added some action.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book with believable characters, a bit of action, a nice romance, and vampires!

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: eBook*


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