Book Review: Those Words I Dread (Tales of the Tuath Dé Book 1) by Tess Barnett

When Ciaran is injured by a hunter, the fairy sneaks into Trent's apartment, and Trent begrudgingly lets him stay while he recovers, only because he doesn't want Ciaran's blood on his hands if the hunter gets him. Trent unexpectedly finds himself falling for the fairy, but his father doesn't approve of his sexuality, and the hunter is still out there.

Book Cover - Those Words I Dread by Tess Barnett
Title: Those Words I Dread
Book Number: Book 1
Pages: 222
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


This was light and cute and fun!

The romance was fairly quick but sweet. It felt really fast for them to be promising their rest of their lives to each other and for Trent to give everything up for someone he barely knew, but there was at least some chemistry and growing feelings, and there were some sweet moments and some sexy moments.

The characters themselves were fun to read about. Trent was a misanthropic grumpypants who mostly just snarked at Ciaran, but eventually his snarks became love snarks. They were like terms of endearment for him. His love language, if you will. Ciaran was the opposite. Friendly, flirty, obnoxious, and sticking around even when he wasn’t wanted. But I guess that was just what Trent needed to break down his walls. (You just have to kind of overlook the fact that he has essentially killed numerous women because of his fairy magic because, honestly, his excuse about having needs or being lonely or whatever didn’t hold up under scrutiny for me. But, you know, fiction and all.)

Julien and Noah had some time in this book too, kind of secondary main characters. Julien was the hunter trying to kill Ciaran. He was obsessively focused, not caring who he hurt to reach his goal, and the more I got to know him, the more I disliked him. However, mild spoiler, he realized his mistakes and apologized in the end, so I can be convinced to like him. And Noah was the sweet, seemingly lonely witch crushing on Julien and trying to help him out.

Though overall fun, there was a touch of heaviness here and there. Trent’s father not accepting that he’s gay and how Trent knew he’d be kicked out and left homeless if he were to go against his father’s wishes. Noah’s memories of his abusive ex. Some violence and the tension of Ciaran+Trent and Julien+Noah being on opposing sides.

The story is really about the romance, but there’s a bit more to it, and the ending doesn’t quite wrap everything up because there are more books in the series.

What I disliked was the head-hopping/omniscience. It kept confusing me and pulling me out of the story as I tried to keep up with whose head I was in, whose thoughts or feelings I was getting. But it wasn’t enough to make the book unenjoyable, or to make me not continue the series.

Having already read the first three books upon writing this (I binged), I can say that the story only improves from here, with more tension and emotion but still fun, as well as some interesting magic and fae stuff, and and I’m really glad I decided to give it a try! And overall, this one was a light and fluffy sort of story with a touch of action, a grumpy human, a carefree fairy, and a sweet romance.

*Rating: 3.5 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Ebook*


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