Book Review Update: Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco


Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in over a week. I’ve just been tired and not feeling great and wasn’t up to it.

And now I’m here with a weird post, because I’m actually just directing you to an old post. (I didn’t want to delete it and repost it as a new post for Google algorithm reasons.)

I reread (more specifically, listened to) Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco and updated my review. I enjoyed it a whole star more this time, so I wanted to tell people about it! It’s got vampires and a high fantasy world and action-packed fighting and a queer throuple romance, so go check it out if that sounds like your thing. And now I’m gonna start the second book so that maybe I can have that review by next Wednesday!

Book Review: Silver Under Nightfall (Silver Under Nightfall Book 1) by Rin Chupeco [Audiobook]


Talk to me!

No questions this time, just go check out the review if you're interested :-)


Your Thoughts


2 thoughts on “Book Review Update: Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco

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  1. Roberta R.

    It’s happened a few times to me as well – I’ve raised my original rating by 1 or 1/2 a star after rereading. Some things sink in better the second time around, or…I don’t know – feel different? Glad this one worked better for you upon rereading!

    1. Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

      Could be mood, could be changing taste over time, could be focusing on diff things in a reread, or could be having the right expectations, which I think was at least part of it for this one. I often raise my rating on rereads, but I don’t often reread 3-star books, so it’s always interesting when I do and they end up being better the second time!