Book Review: Whereafter (Afterlife Book 3) by Terri Bruce

Irene and Andras have attempted to move another step through the afterlife only to find themselves stuck in a new place with dangerous shadows that attack them and a river of fire preventing them from getting to the castle they believe they need to reach. Meanwhile, Jonah has spiraled downward since Irene left and is desperate to cross over and save her from the trouble he believes she's in.

Book Review: Whereafter (Afterlife Book 3) by Terri Bruce | reading, books, book reviews, fantasy, urban fantasy, metaphysical & visionary, ghosts, spirits
Title: Whereafter
Book Number: Book 3 of TBA
Pages: 291
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon


*I received a free ecopy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

In my reviews of the first two books, I mentioned that though I enjoyed the books, the pacing was a little too slow for me. Well, this time, the pacing was much better and the book was much harder to put down, mostly due to, drumroll please…

Jonah’s point of view!

I didn’t even know I wanted Jonah’s POV, but it turned out to be the perfect counterbalance to Irene’s adventures. At this point, Irene was basically just wandering around the afterlife, and she got into trouble, things happened, there were interesting takes on afterlife things, she learned and grew, etc., but Jonah’s POV brought some much needed life to the story, literally and figuratively.

But Jonah’s life was not all sunshine and rainbows. I felt terrible for Jonah because he really spiraled downward since the first book. It was almost painful to read sometimes, like watching someone drown in two feet of water because they don’t realize all they have to do is stand up. His part of the story also handled some heavy topics, like depression, but thankfully not in a hit-you-over-the-head-with-it kind of way. It was just part of his character and his story. And there were some entertaining, less heavy moments too. He was definitely complex, and I enjoyed seeing him develop and grow some throughout the story, though I’m still not sure yet what path he’ll end up on.

I also really liked Irene and Andras’s friendship even more this time. It seems like all of Irene’s friendships turn out to be fairly unique and thus interesting to read about. These two butted head a lot, but they still genuinely cared about each other and had some fun teasing each other. And Andras himself started to show a softer, more playful side that I loved. Also, he had this gem of a quote that is just too funny taken out of context:

“I am not afraid of butterflies. It is demons disguised as butterflies that worry me.”

The only thing I really disliked was a certain aspect of the ending. *POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT* I knew it might be coming, but I was still disappointed to see yet another character go. As I mentioned in my last review, it’s hard for me to connect to characters, and it seems like every time I start to like a character in this series, they leave the story. *END SPOILER ALERT*

Overall though, this book continued to show a really unique take on all things afterlife with great character development, and the alternating POVs between Irene and Jonah really amped up the pacing and pulled me in!


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4 thoughts on “Book Review: Whereafter (Afterlife Book 3) by Terri Bruce

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    1. Kristen Burns

      I am enjoying the series. I didn’t even think about that, but you’re right. Oftentimes it does feel weird for me when POVs get added later in the series, but this one worked really well!

  1. Lola

    That’s great this book was well paced, especially as you mentioned that the first two books were a bit slow. Sounds like you really enjoyed the addition of Jonah’s point of view. Glad to hear the depression wasn’t handled in a too overwhelming way. I find depression a difficult topic to read about, but as long as it isn’t too overwhelming I am okay with it. Jonah seems to be a very complex and interesting character and like it’s a good counterbalance to the other point of view and makes the book as a whole more interesting. I like the sound of Irene her friendships and how all of them are unique. Glad to hear you enjoyed this one!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, I enjoyed the pacing of this book a lot more, and I did really enjoy his POV! And the characters are always very realistic and complex in kind of subtle ways. Unique friendships are great, right? Thanks!