Book Cover - Mazarin Blues by Al Hess

Mazarin Blues by Al Hess

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Genre: ,
Character w/ Disability: ,

Disability: , ,

Is It Cured or Paranormal?: ,

Notes: Main character is autistic. Love interest is diabetic and uses future technology to regulate insulin, so that's only briefly mentioned. Supporting character has a disability that causes partial paralysis/drooping on one side of their face and body and uses a future technology to help but still has pain, especially in the cold.

Book Cover - Olivia Stone and the Trouble with Trixies by Jeffery E. Doherty

Olivia Stone and the Trouble with Trixies by Jeffery E. Doherty

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Genre: ,
Character w/ Disability: ,

Disability: , , , , ,

Is It Cured or Paranormal?: ,

Notes: Protagonist: Scars, Scleroderma that turns out to be paranormal in nature (skin turning to stone) but is not cured, limp. Supporting character 1: Aspergers. Supporting character 2: Selective mutism.