Book Cover - Rebuilding Tomorrow edited by Tsana Dolichva

Rebuilding Tomorrow edited by Tsana Dolichva

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Genre: ,
Character w/ Disability:

Disability: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Is It Cured or Paranormal?:

Notes: various including: physical (one hand), prosopagnosia and autistic, Crohn's, physical (partial left hand), autistic, anxiety, autistic, blind, unnamed chronic condition may be Huntington's, scoliosis and neurodiversity, autistic, ADHD, visual impairment and hypothyroidism and cerebral palsy and arthritis, gross motor dyspraxia and chronic pain from injuries

Book Cover - Olivia Stone and the Trouble with Trixies by Jeffery E. Doherty

Olivia Stone and the Trouble with Trixies by Jeffery E. Doherty

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Genre: ,
Character w/ Disability: ,

Disability: , , , , ,

Is It Cured or Paranormal?: ,

Notes: Protagonist: Scars, Scleroderma that turns out to be paranormal in nature (skin turning to stone) but is not cured, limp. Supporting character 1: Aspergers. Supporting character 2: Selective mutism.