The title is selling this post a little bit short because it's not just tweets about weird things, it's also cute things and a bit of rambling and some extra picture to boot! The Sims Medieval is a great game, and I just wanna talk about it. I didn't know what to expect when I started playing this one, since it's different from the main games. You create sims to fill roles within the kingdom...
Posts in Category: Sims Shenanigans
A little peak behind the curtain, I wrote this post months ago and then never got around to posting it and now haven't played The Sims 3 a while. Anyway, I'm just gonna leave what I wrote. It was nice, and I'm honestly too tired right now to try and rewrite it. *** I will get to the funny below, but first, a moment for some Sims feels. I've been playing a lot lately with my oldest Sims 3...
I've made multiple blog posts about The Sims 3 because that's what I play most, and I have one about The Sims 1, and something interesting I've noticed is that each iteration of the game has its own unique flavor of weirdness. I'll be honest, I've become so disappointed in The Sims 4 (not that I ever loved it, but I gave it a chance) that I almost didn't want to do this post, because this sort...
I'm back with more Sims 3 nonsense! Not too many this time (though there is a whole thread with multiple tweets), but there's a real variety---witches, aliens, werewolves, and even a tragic magician. I even included some bonus screenshots this time. I hope you get as much entertainment as I did from these silly shenanigans! (Matthew and Elliott seem to feature in a lot of these, including...
You all know I love talking about the ridiculous things that happen in my Sims games, but, some time ago, I decided to try playing the original The Sims game again. It was the first version of the game I ever played, back in elementary school. I figured it'd be fun for like half an hour, just for the nostalgia. Imagine my surprise when I kept playing and playing and wanting to go back to it!...
I've had this post somewhat ready to go for a while now and was just waiting to add a few more tweets, but I don't know when I'll really get to play again, and we could all use some laughs right now, I think. Hopefully my sims can provide some comic relief for everyone! They do get up to weird shit sometimes. Also, don't you love the screenshot I chose for the featured image above? One person...
I'm taking a brief break from books today to talk about something else I love nearly as much: The Sims! The Sims 3, to be precise, which is my personal favorite version. I sometimes tweet about the weird things my sims get up to, but I know not everyone follows me on Twitter. Even if you do, it's easy to miss tweets. So I thought it'd be fun to gather up all my Sims 3 tweets and put them in a...
Yay, time for another update! I think you all are going to like this one. It's a fun one. I also have one last sim to introduce (there won't be any more since eight is the limit in the game). Annnnd I even have a little treat at the end for my Jacovine fans ;-) Also, I changed my graphic settings in the game (after the pictures for this post were taken), turned some of them down to compensate...
Since the introductory post went over so well and most of you said you wanted updates, here we are! I do have a bit of news though. I got rid of the ghost (sorry to anyone who liked him!) since he just wasn't clicking for me. But I added two new sims to make up for it! Also, a little explanation of something else before I get to the shenanigans. I'm still playing The Sims 3, in case anyone...
Some of you have said you want to know more about my supernatural Sims house, and I am admittedly a little bit obsessed with it at the moment, so I thought I'd make a post to tell you all about my sims and their...