Graphic Novel Review: Confetti Realms by Nadia Shammas, Karnessa, & Hackto Oshiro

Four teens are just trying to have some fun on Halloween when they end up in a strange realm and have to go on a quest before they can go back home. But as the night goes on, they realize they all have struggles back in the real world, and they finally start talking about them.

Book Cover - Confetti Realms by Nadia Shammas & Karnessa
Title: Confetti Realms
Pages: 196
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has not influenced my review.*

There were two elements to this book: the wacky and wild realm the characters were wandering around in, and the emotional struggles they were dealing with. It managed to tackle some serious topics while also being silly and fun!

The characters were lovable and entertaining. Teens struggling but doing their best.

The weird and ridiculous shenanigans were fun and made me laugh. The characters were in a strange world and collecting teeth and riding on giant centipedes, but this was not at all scary.

The art was fantastic and in full color. Characters felt animated and emotive without being too exaggerated. Such a great, clear style, but also such a unique and fun world that the artist clearly had fun with. All sorts of humanoid animals in 1920s-esque fashion and ball gowns and steampunk-y attire. Cool little details sprinkled throughout. A sort of spooky overall aesthetic.

Some of the struggles the characters were having came a bit out of nowhere and left me momentarily bewildered as to what they were even talking about and why they felt so strongly. But things made more sense once they were explained a bit more.

The ending was pretty open-ended. Maybe meant to be open to interpretation. Or maybe it’s just a me problem and I didn’t understand but other people will.

Overall, I had fun reading this, and the art was beautiful!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2023 // Format: Ebook*


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Do you like spooky, Halloweeny vibes in stories that aren't actually scary?


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4 thoughts on “Graphic Novel Review: Confetti Realms by Nadia Shammas, Karnessa, & Hackto Oshiro

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  1. Greg

    I love stories where people go… somewhere or have strange happenings on Halloween. Centipedes and steampunkish, yes please. Sounds neat.