Graphic Novel Review: Life of Melody by Mari Costa

Razzmatazz is a fairy godfather who's not too great at his job, so he finds a baby in the woods and decides he's going to raise her to make sure the fairy tale goes perfectly. But a beast also decides he wants the child, so they angrily agree to raise the child together, falling in love along the way.

Book Cover - Life of Melody by Mari Costa
Title: Life of Melody
Pages: 196
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Publisher


*I received an ecopy of this book via Edelweiss. This has not influenced my review.*

This was so cute! Enemies-to-lovers, fake relationship, and co-parenting, all with an extra dollop of adorable. Just a fairy and a troll beast raising a human child together and slowly falling in love.

The author/artist did a wonderful job of showing the progression of their relationship as it went from sniping at and not trusting each other to genuinely caring about each other. Less than 200 pages in a graphic novel is not a lot for a complete story like that, so don’t expect a TON of depth or detail, but the relationship really did feel believable.

My only very minor gripe is that sometimes a scene would change or interactions would take a hard turn from one panel to the next, or a new scene would start in the last panel, and I’d feel a bit lost, like I’d somehow skipped something.

The art was stylistic and cute and colorful. What you see on the cover is what you get on the inside, so if you like the cover art, you’ll like the whole thing.

There was nothing more than kissing, so it’s appropriate for teens and maybe even younger (though I don’t know that the story would appeal to anyone too young).

I’m not sure at this time if this is going to be a series, but this felt like a complete story, no loose threads or anything.

Overall, this made me laugh, it made me say awwwww, and I enjoyed it!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2021 // Format: Ebook*


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